Chapter 13

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"Well... we can either disappear or.....*glups* get our cheifs to talk.."

The entire room went silent.
"You know what. The entire disappearing thing looks good" Hookfang and snotlout said in unison.

I can't believe I'm saying this, I agree with him." Stormfly said

*flashback ends*

Toothless POV

I grumble quitely to myself as I hear the twins, Hookfang and snotlout arguing again. Meatlug was trying to calm them down while Astrid, Stormfly and Heather looked like they wanted to kill someone for Thor's sake. 

Hiccup was walking beside me, deep in thought.

"Whatcha thinking about? I ask

"Wha? huh? oh um..." he said while blushing like crazy.

I raise my eyebrow. Sometimes Hiccup was a real mystery, I mean I decoded every single one of 'em.

Hookfang and snotlout were the hotheads as well as terrible flirts, the twins or should I say quadruplets were the pranksters, Fishlegs and Meatlug, the nerds and Stormfly, Astrid and Heather, the secret psychos.

Hiccup. He was an enigma  just like me.

We kept on walking for what seemed like hours when we finally reached a village, which was the nearest one to Dragoe. 

Hiccup motioned every hybrid to their cloaks which Stormfly and Meatlug had made, each coutamized to their owners needs. 

Snotlout's was fire-proof, I mean really fire-proof, Fishlegs was huge and had a "rock" pocket, The twins were both gas and fire-proof and they both came with masks as the both twins couldn't control their powers, Astrids cloak was pretty much like Stormfly's but with more of a dragon-style on it, Heather's was the same but few changes.

All the cloaks were colour-coded too.

We all enter a bar, which happend to be named as Dragon's blood. I could feel the tension from the hybrids behind me.

"Well, well if it isn't Toothless and his girlfriend and his puny little friends"

I freeze.

Heyyy guys!

Ima leave this story as a cliffhanger, 

Im kinda loosing motivation to keep conituing this story so yea.. but I'll try to keep continuing!

Who do ya'll think this "mystery" person is???

also btw thank you for 117 views!! ya'll don't know how happy I am right now!!


Stay tuned!

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