Chapter 9

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Another five years had passed and it had been great for Hiccup. He was learning all these different thing from his mother. Every dragon has its secrets his mother would tell him. And boy was she right.

It was funny how the monster in the mountains turned out to be his mother. Apparently Cloudjumper and her were scaring off Vikings would tried to approach their home.

It was a nice afternoon, and Hiccup was taking in the sight of his new home on the upper mountains. The inner caverns that his mother and he used were their new home and safe place from intruders. The lush green forest was perfect for vegetation and fish. The outside was also breathtaking when they could fly around and not have to worry about Vikings attacking them.

Today, Hiccup wanted to explore more of the island areas that were inaccessible to Vikings. Thus, Hiccup was flying off to one of the smaller islands that were on the tall, large sea stacks. It was a nice place to lay down and take a break from all the craziness.

Hiccup was getting comfortable when he heard something in the brush behind him. Hiccup turned around slowly as he got his claws ready. As he turned to the bush, he carefully made his way towards it. As he pushed past a few leaves, did he see something extraordinary.

In the next clearing over, was a Razorwhip Hybrid. It was not just a hybrid, it was a female Razorwhip hybrid. She is wearing a brown-ish wrapped shirt, Long black hair frames her face with a fringe parted on the right side and a side braid placed over her left shoulder. She wears her hair in a long braid which is slung over her left shoulder. She wears a long-sleeve, light gray shirt with a black, short-sleeved hooded shirt over it, a brown mask to hide her identity, a brown leather vest, wristbands, dark gray pants and brown boots. She has three black belts, as well as one that holds her horn and a. She has metallic-like shoulder guards, bracers, knee pads and skirt . Her spiky tail flowed to the floor and her sleek sliver clipped to her back. A hood covered her face, but once pealed back it showed a beautiful woman Hiccup had ever scene (second to Astrid of course).

Her face was sharp but was strangely angelic. Her Raven hair was braided and pulled over her shoulder. She looked like a warrior.

Hiccup was about to take a step forward towards the Razorwhip hybrid when he, stupidly, stepped on a branch. He scrunched his face before looking back at where the female was. He saw that she was nowhere in sight and decided to come out to get a better look.

What surprised him next, was Hiccup falling to the ground with the woman on top of him. Looking up, he saw that the Razorwhip hybrid had her one hand around his neck while the other was raised in the air with a double axe, ready to strike.

"Who are you!? And why are you spying on me!?" The Razorwhip hybrid looked down at the creature under her. He looked familiar to her. She took a closer look before she actually realized who this was. "H-h- hiccup?"

The Razorwhip hybrid quickly got off Hiccup as she stared at him in astonishment.

Hiccup squinted his eyes as he tried to understand how the hybrid knew his name. "Yes, do I know you?"

"It's mean Hiccup" The Razorwhip hybrid straightened up before putting her hand on her hips and gave him a goofy smirk. "It's me, Heather"

Right away when she said and did that, flashes of a little girl with a braid in her hair came flashing to his mind. "Heather!"

Hiccup could not believe who he was seeing right before him. Heather was a spunky, warrior of a girl who always dreamed of joining the flock on a hunt. She wanted to be just like her long dead father, Oswald the Agreeable. She, also, was the one kid in the village who was nice to him and didn't pick on him as much as the other kids did. By the Gods, did she grow up good.

On the other hand, Heather was thinking the exact same thing. Hiccup wasn't that fidhbone of a kid she had known when she was little. He was tall and had a little muscle to him. His face was a little longer and it suited him. His heavily freckled face was now subtle. He filled into his dragon wings and tail nicely. All together, Hiccup looked good.

"So what are you doing here?"

Heather was brought out of her thoughts as she looked at Hiccup. "I'm just here, flying around. Getting some air"

"Disobeying orders?" Hiccup raised a suspicious eye brow at her. He knew that whenever Heather didn't like an order, she would try to find a way to disobey it and follow her own way.

"Maybe" Heather huffed in annoyance. No matter how many years they haven't seen each other, Hiccup could read her like an open book. She was still suspicious of something. "How are you still alive?"

"What do you mean?" Hiccup became nervous.

"Snotlout told us that the humans coming towards you and caught you and Astrid. How did you escape?" Heather was very curious in knowing how Hiccup was still alive.

Hiccup on the other hand, was very panicky. How do you tell your hybrid friend who hates humans that you were saved by one. He decided to tell half the truth. "I'm actually staying with my mom"

"Your mom?" Heather was quite shocked to hear this news. "But Hiccup....Isn't your mother like...dead?"

"She's actually not" Hiccup rubbed the back of his head as he tried to explain.

"But Hiccup, everyone knows that your mother was killed by...."

"And who told them my mother was dead." Hiccup felt angry at the thought.

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