Teen Wolf

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; Alex Landi

OC Name; Koji Yukimura

Age; 24/25

Height; 6'1

Story Idea;

Koji is the eldest child of Ken and Noshiko and the older brother of Kira. 

He awakened his Kitsune when he was a teenager, he is an Ocean Kitsune. He got his first tail not too long after, it was a Kunai Knife. 

He became a PA [Physician Assistant] about a month before his family moved to Beacon Hills, so he applied and got a job at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and started working  there as soon as he settled down. 

Koji is a sweet and caring young man who wants to take care of people. But he is protective of his little sister, which always somehow lands him in trouble [especially in Beacon Hills].

Love Interest; Derek Hale

Theme Song; Mary on a Cross; Ghost

Unpublished Book Name;  Colliding Waves

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