Chap. 50 - Change of Tide.

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Ghazghkull's metal claw trembled at the image before his eyes. He trembled not from passion or battle fervor, but from fear. Real fear. Ghazghkull still remembers his duel with Ragnar Blackmane... He remembers every second of such a colossal confrontation... And he remembers in great detail the fateful end.

He would never forget the ferocity of that sword as it cut through his flesh. He would never forget that superhuman strength that surrounded that space marine. I would never forget that defeat. And he swore that he would never be defeated again. And now he was there, in the burning sands of the coliseum, afraid of the presence of his challenger... And at the same time... Eager to test his courage.

Ghazghkull lunged forward. His huge, heavy body was slow, but his opponent was wounded and could not waste his strength trying to escape. Kanan saw the imposing beast approaching. He felt the noises that his footsteps caused. He heard their war cry growing louder.

The challenger's left hand did not respond to his will. The big green's claw severed his tendons and muscles, and now he was nothing more than an annoying appendage to carry around. But it didn't matter. His right hand burned with fury. His sword was charged with warp power and his willpower. And his spirit remained rigid as adamantium. That was all I needed.

The teeth of the chainsaw loomed over the challenger, while the unyielding edge of the imperial sword rose in warp power. An echo reverberated in everyone's ears, as both fighters recoiled from the brutality of the impact. And this was just the beginning.

Blows and thrusts rained down on both of them. Kanan managed to precisely connect accurate attacks to vital points, while doing his best to stay away from those deadly metal teeth. However, Ghazghkull's claws would take no mercy on his state, and lunged at the white-haired ork with dangerous speed.

The sharp points could not penetrate deeply into the challenger's flesh, but enough to leave superficial wounds. Scratches that were marked on both his body and face. HIS dying arm received several painful cuts, but the adrenaline that flooded his body did not allow him to even think clearly.

Time and time again, the Mark II sword managed to find the openings in the great green's defenses, now imbued with a psychic power that was capable of tearing off important pieces of the reigning champion's armor. Ghazghkull's skin was feeling the sunlight once again for a couple of years.

The prolonged combat was already beginning to take its toll on the opponents. Their bodies became heavy, and the audience barely had a voice to shout with excitement at such a confrontation. That white-haired dwarf gave no quarter to the great Ghazghkull, the absolute ork of the galaxy. However, it is fatigue that is the true enemy of warriors.

When the sun of that planet had finished its journey through the sky, some forty-two hours from Terra, Kanan and Ghazghkull launched the attack once again. The chainsaw's teeth were fractured and some had even fallen out, as well as most of the edge of its claws. Kanan's sword was barely maintaining its integrity, and its atoms were welded more by warp energy than by atomic bonds. Still, the fight continued.

Once again, Ghazghkull's chainsaw tried to reach the flesh of Kanan, who despite his dying arm, had managed to maintain the pace up to this point in the fight, and as tired as his adversary. His Mark II sword rose from the ground, landing a powerful blow on the great green's weapon... And creating an opening.

The long-awaited moment had arrived. Ghazghkull backed away, unable to regain his balance in time to defend himself. Kanan's sword was pointed at the sky, while his keen eye determined the best way to take advantage of this opportunity, although the answer was quite obvious.

The cry of the Prophet of Armaggedon crossed the skies, at the same time that his followers were shocked by what his eyes revealed. Kanan's sword descended at an absurd speed, finally finding the flesh of the big green one and severing his arm from his body.

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