chapter three

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Wadii joong .. why are you calling that early"
Said the sleepy, annoyed voice of earth picking up the call.

"Help !! "
Joong was panicking .

"What's wrong .. I'll kill you if it's not an important matter . Mix almost woke up when the phone rang " though he was annoyed but joong was his friend of course he was worried.

"I'm meeting with him today "

"Meeting with who "

"With dunk phi !! I told you I'm taking him to some places today"

"And what am I supposed to do to you "

"Tell me what to do"

"You're calling me five forty five in the morning in my day off  to tell you how to handle a semi date with your alleged lost love .. are you serious joong" for earth joong was overreacting not because it wasn't a big deal but because joong was perfect and earth knew it .. he knew joong can handle this ..

"Phi please help me .. please"  joong was pleading and it got on earth' s nerves ..

"I'm hanging up .. you can deal with that Joong have some faith in yourself"

"Phi.. "

"Goodbye joong .. "
He hang up but the younger didn't give up and started calling him again .

"Call me one more time and I'll truly come and kill you " he will never reject joong's call and he'll never kill him or make him feel bad he just wanted him to grow more confident especially in this situation.

"Just tell me at least what to wear"

"Is that Joong archen who's calling ........Joong you're not a teenager .. man you're going insane for sure " now it was it earth had enough of this talk joong should know how perfect he is .

"I know I'm just nervous "

"Man the boy already likes you .. I could tell since the first time I saw him looking at you so get your shit together and go win that boy .. it's your chance joong it's the Time to prove and take what you deserve " earth saw how dunk fancy joong already and he didn't want joong to lose more time he should spend with his love .

"What if he asked me about "

"Then tell him .. if you're going to be with him you should tell him" earth knew that this topic was hard on joong he doesn't want to remember it rather to tell dunk about .

"I don't know how "

"Joong .. look at yourself you became a perfect man anyone on this earth would die to have someone like you.. "

"I know .. I know "

"Joong the boy is cute .. take him before another man does " earth realized how wrong his words will affect joong .. it's either hit his insecurities hard or it'll make him go and claim dunk now .. like now five forty-five in the morning ...

"What do you mean " from joong's voice earth knew that it was option number one , if joong felt for a second that that man is better than him he'll go down on the concrete again..

"I mean that there's already Someone trying to win him " it was hard but joong should know that his time may be limited.

"Who "

"I'm still not sure if he started yet "   knew he  already started to make a target though he didn't make a move . Earth thinks that he maybe can try to stop it but joong should not know now  it'll break him ..

"Who.. is... he... I can already take the hint phi .. not him .. he can't take him from me .. "

"I'll tell you when he start .. "

Meant To Be Yours . 'JoongDunk ' .. ( The Greats Book One )Where stories live. Discover now