Chapter 40

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{TW : Suicide, Self-harm, Disturbing thoughts}


It was flashing on the screen as the journalist in the program continued reporting at the back.

My heart dropped and my soul felt snatched out of my body seeing those words. My mobile slipped from my hand as my senses paralyzed and my brain went numb while my body stood frozen in place, my eyes staring wide at the television screen.

"Raelynn Baker has been one of the young talents in the business sector who has led her confectionary brand from the scratch to one of the most famous brands across the globe. Are these allegations really true? Is the woman who has been lauded as one of the inspirations to young aspirants really a prostit**ion worker before? The news has taken the social platforms with a storm as it's being spread like wildfire -"

I felt anxious jitters pass through the tip of my fingers, my feet ran cold, black dots appeared in my vision at the extreme shock as my knees gave out and I fell to the floor on my rear, my breathing labored and suffocated.

This isn't real.


This is just a dream.

It's all in my head.

I'm imagining everything.

It's -

"RAELYNN", Sarah's panicked voice kept blaring from the phone.

Jolted up hearing my name, I threw the phone away aggressively and it crashed open to pieces at the impact.

"Ms. Baker, please answer"

"Are the allegations true?"

"Ms. Baker"

A commotion started outside my gate as reporters swarmed in front of it gradually, shouting for answers.



I need to wake up from this nightmare.

"Our reporter is currently outside Ms. Baker's residence and we're waiting for her to give a state-", the anchor in the television continued talking.

Unable to bear the anxiety and the noise around me, I picked up the remote and threw it at the television, crashing the screen. The sound from the TV was coming out glitched and shaky and I immediately stood up and pushed the whole television to the floor and pulled the cables out of the sockets in urgency as my breath shortened and my hands trembled badly.

"Ms. Baker, please answer"

"Ms. Baker"

"Ms. Baker"


The noise from outside increased, pushing me to the edge as my ears started ringing in panic and my body shivered harshly, falling onto the broken pieces of television screen, the glass piercing my skin, drawing out blood.

The pain and the oozing blood were enough proof of reality, but my mind was far gone into a frenzy to notice or comprehend the pain.

Trembling badly, I pulled my knees to the chest and desperately breathed in air, but my chest constricted, suffocating me, my whole body sweating profusely and chills ran down my spine as acute panic surged through my nerves, fogging my senses while the voices from my past overpowered the noise from the outside, pushing me deep into the darkness.

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