Chapter 54

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A pain in the head.

That's what Vince's aunt is right now.

It amazes me how different all the kids are when compared to the elders in this family.

I'm being forced to assume that Vince and his siblings have only inherited the best qualities of their elders.

Luce and Fiorenzo have been nothing but respectful and friendly to me, but their mother seems to be far from having those traits.

I do understand that my past and the blemish it holds is difficult to accept and I do not bother or blame anyone for hating me for it, but insulting me right in my presence is not something I will take lightly and I made it known to everyone very clearly.

Alas, the incident this morning and the tone I took on Nina Marino might have triggered some negative impression on me in the kids' minds, especially Luce and Fiorenzo and later on, maybe Aurelio too.

I'm ceasing to have any good idea or path on how to converse with them and gauge out their exact perception of me at the moment.

They -

A throat clearing sound snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked to my right.

Rosario Marino, Vince's uncle.

With a pleasant breeze swishing around me and the sun shining brightly above, I was seated on one of the benches in the garden, a little far behind the mansion, to collect my thoughts peacefully and to avoid crossing paths with their aunt and ruin my mood and impression further.

However, the peace is short-lived and here I am interrupted by their uncle.

I gave him a curt nod in greeting and he nodded back at me.

He just stood a little beside the bench quietly and was gazing straight ahead at nothing in particular and I just gazed into the air in silence as well.

Why's he here?

If he's going to try to intimidate me like Vince's father had tried to do, I -

"Do you love Vince, Ms. Baker?", Mr. Marino asked calmly, still looking straight ahead.

I turned my head in his direction with a very faint frown creasing my brows.

He too turned his head in my direction after a moment, his gaze expecting an answer from me.

"Yes.", I replied in a neutral tone.

"Will you stay by his side always?", he questioned further.

I paused for a moment to discern the motto behind his interrogation, but failed to find one.

"I'm unable to understand your intentions behind asking me these questions, Mr. Marino.", I commented stoically.

"It's a transparent question. No hidden meanings.", he stated seriously, looking me straight in the eyes.

"In my terms, loving someone includes staying by them at all times, when high or low.", I answered calmly.

"Even when it threatens your safety?", he questioned.

"Leaving at the sight of danger cannot be called love.", I commented in a neutral tone.

"What if this love threatens the safety of someone you hold dear?", he probed further.

"We'll protect them together.", I replied firmly.

"And if Vince is not in a position to protect them?", he questioned.

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