chapter three

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A few months later right before the Christmas break Draco sat on his chair in English fidgeting with everything he had within reach. He couldn't look Harry in the eye anymore. he was ashamed. River was being a prick, she'd do those eyebrow things and write him notes saying D+H or 'have good sex' Draco wanted to just poke his eye out. The bell rang and Draco started packing, but because he'd unpacked so much it took him a long time, everyone had done by the time he'd been able to put his pencil case away. "hey." Harry sat on his table and Draco was about to kill himself. "hi." Draco replied controlling his nerves. "heard from regulus you're alone this week." Harry said. "yes." Draco gave him a little grin. "must be alone." He said. "very alone." Draco said. "where are they going?" Harry asked. "dunno." Draco replied and swung his back around his shoulder. "Regulus said that I had to ask you to hang around our place." Harry said. Draco thought about the cameras. "I'd rather stay home." Draco smiled. "oh." Harry smiled at him. "you can come over at mine if you'd like." Draco said. Harry smiled at him. "I'd like that very much thanks." He said. Draco whispered his address and stood up. "see you in two hours." Harry said. Draco smiled and walked out of class and readjusted his skirt and walked towards his locker and put everything away. His parents had left in the morning telling him they'd send a present. He'd just scoffed packed his bag and walked to school.

his phone chimed when he sat in front of the mirror. It was Pansy, they became friends and spent a lot of time together. 'pizza at mine?' the message read. Draco groaned. 'sorry, tutoring for math and hanging with family all week.' He got thumbs up. He looked back in the mirror and looked at the greenish eyeshadow. He liked to do his makeup, when he was home or out. At school he couldn't wear it because of the rules. The doorbell rang and he walked downstairs and found Harry at his front door. "hi." Draco smiled and let him in. "that makeup is beautiful." Harry said. "thanks." Draco smiled and they walked towards the living room. "how much time do you spend on that?" Harry asked. "it's nothing much, hardly ten minutes." Draco said. "oh, my previous girlfriend sometimes spent two hours in the bathroom." Harry said. "oh, that's shit." Draco said. Harry looked at him with a smile. "I saw you made good progress in making friends, Pansy is your best friend right?" Harry asked. "we go out together, to parties and that stuff, if I dress a bit differently I get the scary guys away from her and she gives me drinks." Draco replied. Harry smiled. "and River?" he asked. "she's kinda trash." Draco said. "why?" Harry asked. "don't laugh at me." Draco said. "I would never." Harry said. "okay, so at the beginning of the year, River came to my house." Draco said. "oh?" Harry sounded curious. "she'd hacked both our laptops apparently and found out I'm submissive and have certain kinks and she explored some stuff about you, apparently you're a dom and asked me to have sex with you, and she'd watch us through the cameras of your house, that's the reason I didn't want to come over at yours. She said she'd be my friend if I did, and she's been blackmailing me." Draco said. Harry's expression changed. "you have to report that to the police, she's hacking us." Harry said. Draco looked down. "you weren't going to have sex with me, wouldn't you?" Harry asked. "it was what I first wanted to do, yes. But no." Draco was quiet, it was just quiet. "I wouldn't have sex with you, I'd have a relationship with people I have sex with and we both know that subs can't give permission when they are in their space. What if I like knifeplay, which I don't, and you don't and I do it on you. and you don't like it." Harry said. Draco smiled. "I'm glad we could talk about it." Draco said. "we're gonna report this okay?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "want something to drink?" Draco asked. "no it's fine." Harry replied and scooched closer to Draco. the doorbell rang. "did you invite anyone?" Draco asked. "this is your house not mine." Harry said. Draco stood up and walked towards the front door. he opened it and found Pansy. "hey." Draco smiled at her. "we need to get ready for the winter ball!" she yelled. "that is tonight?" Draco asked. "of course it is, and you promised to go with me." She said. "yeah I forgot that was today." Draco opened the door further. "go upstairs, to my room and I'll be right with you." Draco said. she smiled and skipped to the steps. Draco walked back into the living room. "who was it?" Harry asked. "Pansy, it's winter ball and I forgot." Draco said. "oh shit that's tonight." Harry stood up. "I need to be there, to I don't know what, want to get a lift?" Harry asked. "would be very nice thanks." Draco said. "good see you in a bit." Harry smiled. Draco ran upstairs. "who's with you?" she asked. "our teacher." Draco whispered. Her jaw dropped. "don't think anything weird, he's tutoring me and his dad is dating my family so we became close friends, he's staying at mine this week." Draco said. "you love our teacher?" she asked. "no I don't." Draco said and got his midnight blue long dress out of his closet, it had long sleeves. Pansy smiled and pulled her Bordeaux red matching one of her bag.

Draco was drinking his drink and leaned against the wall. He watched Pansy and Blaise dancing and a few minutes later Theodore joined the two. "I thought you were here with her?" Harry his voice sounded. "I'm not important enough apparently, or maybe I'm embarrassing, could be the two." Draco said. "can I ask you some questions about it?" Harry asked. "yeah." Draco said. "since when do you dress like that?" Harry asked. "since I was 7 or something, we had genderswitch day at school and I felt kinda free. I didn't feel like I was a girl, but the dress made me feel beautiful, so my mother researched it, and bought me girl clothes and told me it was alright, my dad needed more time, but eventually he could live with it." Draco replied. "do you walk in public and think that you're ridiculous?" Harry asked. "I don't feel like it, but people give me those stares and looks." Draco said. "ever thought about growing your hair?" Harry asked. "no, it's good as it is now, shoulder length." Draco replied. Harry smiled. "did you ever get called a girl?" Harry asked. "yes, once by you." Draco said. "I'm sorry about that." Harry said. "it's alright." Draco smiled. "do you wear bra's?" Harry asked. Draco grinned. "you'll find out someday." Draco said. Harry rolled his eyes. "I can tell you that I'm not wearing one right now, because it didn't fit underneath the dress." Draco said. "you tried?" Harry asked. "I didn't say that." Draco chuckled. Harry groaned. "any other questions?" Draco asked. "what does your room look like?" Harry asked. "I don't know." Draco said. "what?" Harry asked. "you can take a look tonight, it's hard to describe." Draco looked at Harry. "what time do you need to be home?" Harry asked. "whenever you bring me." Draco smiled. Harry smiled. "well, I'll be doing a last check on shagging students and I'll go home, I'm like really tired." Harry said. Draco smiled and waved at him. he smiled and walked away. River walked up to him. "hello." she said. "what do you want?" Draco asked. "you've done anything yet?" she asked. "there is no chance for me getting him." Draco said and put his cup in her hands. "bye." He said and walked towards Harry's car. 

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