Part 27

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In the evenings, the dwarves tried to find shelter somewhere to sit out of sight. As they got closer to the Misty Mountains, the trek also became more and more dangerous. Although most seemed to feel no fear, Thorin was always wary. These plains brought up painful memories for him. So he increasingly isolated himself and wandered around on his own looking for traces of his father.

The party had just set up camp among some rocks when the horrifying screams of orcs echoed in the background. Thorin immediately grabbed his sword and ran towards Terwyn who also straightened up startled. The other dwarves also grabbed their weapons and all got into attack positions together.

Balin stomped out the fire so they gave the orcs no sign of life. Silently, everyone stood together. Terwyn felt her heart pounding in her throat; she had heard the screeching of orks before, but it still frightened her. Thorin kept his hand firmly around the hilt of his sword as his eyes scanned the surroundings.

He felt his stomach contract again when memories of the ill-fated war around Moria played back in his mind. His breath caught in his throat as he stiffened.

Terwyn noticed how Thorin seemed to be overwhelmed with panic and gently grasped his hand in hers. As if on reflex, the dwarf took another step closer to her and also gratefully squeezed her hand as her warmth slowly found a way into his insides and helped him calm down.

After some time on their guard, the cries sounded further and further away and the dwarves already dared to sit back down.

"No more fire, we will stay close together tonight." Thorin softly spoke after which everyone nodded obediently and sought another spot to explain their sleeping business.

"Come on, they went another way. It's warmer if we lie together." Thorin said to the dwarf woman when he saw her flapping her teeth.

Terwyn immediately obeyed and snuggled close to Thorin while holding his sleeping bag open for her. "Are you all right?" Thorin asked worriedly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Terwyn and rubbed her back gently in an attempt to warm her up.

Terwyn nodded gratefully "I can ask you the same thing?" She spoke worriedly.

"I see your sad look Thorin, this place makes you think back of your father, your grandfather." She murmured as she gently pushed back one of his long black locks.

Thorin sighed, but did not reply.

"I keep seeing you wandering off, you can talk to me Thorin. Trust me, as we have always trusted each other." She whispered to him.

"Thrain is alive Terwyn. I feel it, my father is not dead. The orcs captured him and I must find him, but I don't know where to start." The prince sighed. Terwyn felt the pressure on his shoulders with every word.

"If I could do anything to help you, if I could take over even a little of your responsibilities and pain then I would do it Thorin. If you believe Thrain is alive, then I will help you find him. Even if I have to defeat a kingdom of orcs for it. I will stay with you."

Terwyn watched as he seemed more and more relieved with every word. Gratefully, he turned his face to her.

"I cannot be grateful enough to you." He spoke, but his gaze quickly changed to sadness.

"But I cannot put you in danger. This is my task, my burden and I must find him." He continued.

Terwyn shook her head and put her palm against his cheek.

"Remember our promise Thorin. We take care of each other, we are family and family does not abandon each other." Spoke Terwyn solemnly.

Thorin closed his eyes as if in a duel with himself, before Terwyn could ask what he was thinking about, however, he slid his fingers through her hair and his lips found hers.

Philophobia - Thorin Oakenshield - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now