Chapter Eight, He Is So Cute

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A/N, warning: swearing

It's been three months since you got in this cell. Those three monts has been nice, just becouse your best friend, Loki is there. Yes, Loki is your best friend now. He isn't that evil you thought he would be, even though he pranks you sometimes. You have fallen for him, but he doesn't seem like he likes you like that, anymore. Those first weeks he seemed like he loved you like loved loved, but then it stopped after he went to talk to Odin, again. He won't tell you what happened, so you stopped asking. You're kind of sad about this, but you didn't know, what Loki thought about you or what was he going to do soon.

You were sitting on the floor and Loki sat on his bed staring at you. "What are you thinkin right now, Loki?", you ask. You get up and go sit next to Loki. He looks at you and you see sadness in his eyes. "Okay, I'm done with this bullshit. What did your.. I mean what did Odin say to you two months ago? Since that you've been different", you ask. He takes your hand. "(Y/N).. It's none of your business." "But I need to know! I-I love you and you loved me but now you don't what did he do to you?", you cry. Loki pulled you in a hug. "He just said that I shouldn't be with you and then he punished me", Loki said, "But I can't do this anymore, (Y/N), I just can't. I love you too", he said and kissed you. It wasn't your first kiss but it felt so good. You pulled him closer and deepened the kiss.

When you pulled back for breath Loki just stared at you smiling. "Damn Loki you're so cute I can't handle it", you say and kiss his cheek, "But now I need to talk to Odin." You got up and walked to the force field. "Guards, take me to All-Father", you demanded. The guards opened the force field and grabbed your shoulders and put handcuffs on you. They started walking you to the big throne room, where Odin was.

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