Chapter two - Jasper

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''Wait a minute" I run around the car and open the door for her. We both start laughing. Neither of us cared, because in the moment it was just us two. Us two again the whole word. She laughed like there was no one around. And oh my God, how I love her laugh.

Just like I love her. She may be quiet but when you get to know her, she's honest and definitely not quiet. It's so freaking easy to fall in love with her and the want to be near hear her more often is unbearable. The fuck, what am I doing. I can't love her. No more than as a friend. Because I don't want to ruin our friendship. But she's so beautiful and her eyes. Oh, her eyes, that I could get lost in for an eternity. They are so beautiful and it hurts me to know that she hates then, that she thinks that they are ugly. When I know that they are the most beautiful green and an icy blue. Maybe one day she'll realise how much people are jealous of her eyes. How stunning they look alongside her freckles.

When I get out of my daydreaming, I help her get our stuff out of the car and walk to the spot that she chose. We spread the blanket and strip down to our swimsuits. As she is taking off her shirt, I watch her discreetly. Of course, I have seen her in a swimsuit, but now her body seemed different to me. It looked like she was working out, even though I know she wasn't. Maybe she stopped eating as much. No, that's not possible, she's still eating for two as before. Maybe it's the black swimsuit that's doing it. Or maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me.

From my thoughts, I was brought back to earth by her voice, which sounds like a sirens voice. That type of voice that will make you do anything they ask for. Even if it meant killing yourself. "Are we going into the water?'' Before I can nod, she's already walking into the water. I'm tall so I catch up with her quickly. When the water was to Avas stomach and it was barely up to my ass. She stopped and turned to me and started talking. "We're going to sink under the water to the count of three.'' I nod my head, but I don't really plan on doing that, just because I don't want to. ''Three!'' As fast as she sank, she surfaced. "Hey you traitor, you didn't sink!'' She looks cute when she's angry. Suddenly, I feel something cold on me. I realised what and more importantly who it was and tried to get as far away from her as possible, but I couldn't, because wherever I went she was there,

When I was completely wet, I dived. Ava looked pleased. That's good, because now she was leaving and going to probably read a book or just sunbathe, and I could create a plan. I pondered and pondered. Suddenly, I had an idea. I found an empty bottle in the water. I cleaned it. And then I poured cold water into it. As quietly as possible I made my way to our blanket. I poured some water on her back. She quickly turned and looked into my eyes. She wanted to say something, but I wouldn't let her. I poured the rest of the water on her. I've never seen her get up so quickly in my life. I was already running to the water. Somehow, she was almost as fast as I was. Maybe I was slower just to see what would she do if she caught up to me. We were already up to our bellies in water when she finally caught up to me. She jumped onto my back, which made me sink into the water. She held me under the water for a while, but she held me so gently that I could easily slip out of it. But it wouldn't be me if I didn't let her keep me underwater. I wish she could keep me like this longer. But she loosened her grip and I surfaced, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her running. I quickly ran to catch her. I was faster than her, not just because she was smaller than me but she also couldn't stop laughing, so I easily caught up with her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently sank both of us. Her skin was so soft. Soft as velvet. I'd like to hold it longer. Not underwater, of course, but around the waist. When she emerged, we both started laughing.

Then she went on the blanket to sunbathe. I was still in the water. I watched the whole time before she laid down. I watched her muscles tense as she stretched for her favourite book. I let her read for a while because I planned to provoke her a bit more cause it's fun. After a terribly long while, I got out of the water and went to our blanket.

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