Chapter four - Jasper

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It's been a little over week since I drove Ava home. I miss her so much. Luckily, her mom kept me updated every day on how Ava was doing. Judging by what she said, she probably won't forgive easily. But I still had hope. Like a million times before, but now it's different. Now there's a small chance she'll forgive me. My phone vibrates. The screen lights up. There's a message from Charlotte. I've been talking to her for the past few days. The message said something like. Hi I can't finally go to your place today? I didn't want her here in case Ava showed up. So that she doesn't think anything. But I wrote back to her anyway that she could.

"Hi Charlotte" she hugs me. That's the first time she's ever hugged me. It smelled sweet. "Hi Jasper. You've got nice house. Although maybe you could fill this corner here. Maybe a mirror." My mom came into the hallway. "Hi Mom, this is Charlotte, I've told you about her before." Is she looking at her with surprise or maybe even disappointment, or is it anger? "Hi Charlotte, I'm Jasper's mom. Do you mind if I steal him for a while?'' Charlotte smiles. "Of course you can." "Okay then go and wait for me in my room. It's the second door on the right. I'll be there in a minute.'' I wasn't so sure about that, but I said it anyway. I followed my mom into the kitchen. "Please tell me it's not that Charlotte." She looks at me with hope. "WHAT'S wrong with her. She's just a girl. And besides, why do you care, you never cared who I was talking to?!'' What the hell is going on with me! Why do I treat my mom like this? This is going to be a disaster for a very long time. "What did you say, care to repeat? How are you talking to me? You know what. Get out of my sight. And if I see her again, I'm going to kick her out of this house. Do you understand me?" I just nod my head and walk upstairs.

I have no idea why I woke up the next day and was lying next to Charlotte, even hugging her. As quickly and quietly as I could, I got up and went downstairs. My mom was already downstairs. She must have been making breakfast. She didn't even look at me. I guess she's still upset about yesterday. "Good morning, Mom." She didn't answer, yup she's still mad at me. To be honest, I don't blame her, I'm angry with myself too. "Excuse me for yesterday, please. I don't know what got into me.'' She doesn't say anything, but hands me a plate. "If it happens again, I won't let you invite anyone here. At least you could have told me that she would come, maybe this might would not have happened.''  "I know, but I found out five minutes before she came.'' She looks at me and then turns away again. Someone knocks. I know who she is, only Ava knocks like that. "I'll go open the door."

I stand at the door for a while and take a breath. I open the door and see her surprised. "Ava, Hi, come inside.''  She passes me, but in a different way than normal. It looks like she's trying to stay as far away from me as possible. As if I were a dangerous animal that had been let out of the pen. She walks carefully. I hope she didn't notice Charlotte's shoes. In fact, they couldn't even be overlooked. Still, she didn't notice them. „Is your mom here? I need to talk to her.'' Her voice was beautiful, but it made me sad because I hear it after a long time and she doesn't even ask how I'm doing. "Yes, she's in the kitchen, can we please talk then?''  I desperately needed to hear her voice again. She went to the kitchen to see my mom. Normally, I'm not a very curious person, but now I had to know what they were going to talk about, plus I would hear Ava's voice. Normal, not the way she speaks to me, but the voice she uses to talk to others.

Oh my God, how could I hurt her like that and not even realize it. I wanted to go there and apologize to her terribly, but then maybe she would be even more angry. That's why I preferred to stay around the corner. Suddenly, I hear footsteps down the stairs. DAMN! I forgot about Charlotte. I hide so she can't see me. She went straight to the kitchen. She stopped. Suddenly, Ava started to leave. She ran out of our house and headed for the dirt road that leads to her house. I dressed as quickly as I could and ran after her. "Oh wait. Ava!'' Nothing. She kept going. "Ava, damn it, wait.'' She turned onto the road and after a few meters I caught up with her. I grabbed her and turned her around. She pulled away from me. She has more power. "Ava, you didn't hear me? She straightens up a little. "No, I didn't hear you.'' I know Ava well enough, so I know she heard me very well, but I didn't know why she would lie about this. And besides, this is the first time she's lied to me. "Haha, that's funny, because I think the whole town heard me, but you didn't." I don't know why but it hurts that she lied to me ''It's quite possible that the whole town heard you, but I just didn't want to hear you. So, I didn't." I feel my cheeks getting red from anger. I take a breath. "I thought things were good between us when you came to our house?!?'' She starts laughing again.

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