PROLOGUE: chaos control freaks.

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it's a nice calming night on the planet mobius. big the cat is peacefully sitting down on the grass ground next to a pond as he's using his rod
and waits for any fish to catch on it. big is sleeping with his friend froggy laying next to his friend with big waiting for any fish to catch on
his rod's hook as he naps.

 big is sleeping with his friend froggy laying next to his friend with big waiting for any fish to catch onhis rod's hook as he naps

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suddenly sounds of an alarm flops big's large ears as he wakes. big turns his head to see dr eggman's fortress from a far as the lights
on top the tower begin to search for the intruder and eggman's egg fighters have their weapons ready for the intruder as large robots
with two cannons roll to search of the intruder.

 big turns his head to see dr eggman's fortress from a far as the lightson top the tower begin to search for the intruder and eggman's egg fighters have their weapons ready for the intruder as large robotswith two cannons roll to search of the int...

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suddenly those three large robots robots on rollers get attacked and destroyed by a blue spinning ball of energy as it crashes down on the
last large robot. the missile launchers and egg fighters aim their weapons at the unknown intruder. the intruder himself had the destroyed
flaming remains of the last robot he destroyed as he was in a badass landing pose and slowly rises up smirking at the army of egg fighters
and missile launchers.

 the intruder himself had the destroyedflaming remains of the last robot he destroyed as he was in a badass landing pose and slowly rises up smirking at the army of egg fightersand missile launchers

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the unknown intruder reveals to be the freedom fighter, free spirited and herioc hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog!

the unknown intruder reveals to be the freedom fighter, free spirited and herioc hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog!

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