SEASON 1 EPISODE 4: dr eggman's presentation.

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knuckles, tails, amy, dipper and mabel are out in town square passing by as they explore this part of town. dipper kept his journal on
him in case of something crazy or weird happens to them. tails is testing his prototype chaos energy radar he has in his hands for any signs
for chaos energy activity. meanwhile mabel and amy were talking to one another as they walk through town square with the rest. knuckles
is on guard a little after that gobblewonker adventure he and his friends went through.

DIPPER PINES: hey knuckles, don't you think you're being a bit too much on guard? you literally
have you fists up looking like your ready to punch anyone.

KNUCKLES: why wouldn't i? after that gobblewonker adventure we had, i gotta be cautious of the townfolk.

TAILS: i don't know knuckles, *looks to see some townfolk going on their day* i think the people here aren't
bad at all or are dangerious at all.

KNUCKLES: *scoffs and rolls eyes* yeah, tell that to the crazy old hillbilly who tried killing us.

TAILS: knuckles that isn't fair! he just wanted attention and from what we all saw he's an outcast in this
town. you gotta feel sorry for him knuckles, his own son doesn't even want to spend time with him.

knuckles let out a sad sigh as he continued walking with his friends. he can't deny he feels sympathetic for the old crazy man and that
he has no malicious intent against him and his friends. guess he could just lower his guard and listen to tails's advice but he should be
ready if eggman comes back.

KNUCKLES: i guess you have a good point tails. *lowers guard* guess i can relaxe for a bit.

TAILS: that's it.

DIPPER PINES: so mabel and amy, where exactly are we going that's making you excited? because
you haven't told either of us three since we began walking through town.

TAILS: *raises eye at the two girls* is this some sought of prank girls?

KNUCKLES: *mumbles* it better not.

MABEL PINES: *looks over shoulder to them* whaaat? of course not guys! we're here to have
some fun together as the gang!

AMY ROSE: since when did we start calling our group "the gang"?

MABEL PINES: *points hand up with a smile* TODAY!

DIPPER PINES: you couldn't think of a better name for us?

MABEL PINES: meh, i'll workshop it later guys. right now let's focus on having some awesome fun!

AMY ROSE: you guys are gonna love what me and mabel planned!

KNUCKLES: *sighs* it better be.

mabel and amy lead the rest towards a nice restaurant as they enter and take their seats and pick up the menus to order
their food. knuckles, tails and dipper were surprised that a town like gravity falls could have such a nice restaurant as they
look at the menus with tails putting his chaos energy radar away in his yellow backpack he put down next to his seat. amy
and mabel were glad they were both able to get seats early for this nice restaurant.

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