SEASON 1 EPISODE 6: a fluffy reunion with a fun tennis game.

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after that events with the wax figures the gang decided to take it easy with now named team heroes being cautious since now
dr eggman is now around in gravity falls probably plotting his next attack or making a plan to steal the first chaos emerald they
now have kept save in a small container in the gang's single open room in the attic. while mabel and dipper were in the living room
with grunkle stan closing the shack early since no customers have came to the shack he decided to join the kids in the living room
as they watch an episode of duck-tective.

sonic and his friends told the pines they would be out in town in hopes of searching for their friends cream and cheese now
that tails is now able to focus and detect cream's mobian and cheese's signature. knuckles decided to put on his cowboy hat on
as he and his friends walk out the shack with the pines saying goodbye and hope they find cream and cheese.

in the town of gravity falls, team heroes follow tails holding his miles electric to follow cream and cheese's signatures through the town
as they all walk. sonic was bored walking as he hads his hands together behnd his head with knuckles adjusting and loving wearing his
hate. amy just hums happily walking relieved and happy to see cream and cheese again. cream and cheese were tails's friends and he hoped
that they're alright when he and his friends find them.

SONIC: ugh, remind telling me why i can't just speed around town to find those two?

TAILS: because we're nearly there sonic.

AMY ROSE: also so we don't bring more attention to us after our last adventures.

KNUCKLES: and so earth's goverment don't pay attention to a speeding blue blur around a
quiet t--

SONIC: okay, okay! i get it guys. i just feel natural when i run across a forest of around this town, heck a loop da loop
would do me fine.

TAILS: guys i've located where cream and cheese are! they're right... *points over to the gravity falls mall* over there!

KNUCKLES: great, let's go and get them!

SONIC: couldn't of said it better knucks!

sonic runs up to amy grabbing her up in a bridal style and speeding off to the mall. leaving knuckels and tails behind
as they watch him speed off to the mall.

SONIC: try and catch up guys!

TAILS: *sighs* we'll never catch up to his level of speed.

KNUCKLES: read the words outta my mouth tails.

knuckles and tails both speed off with tails flying besides knuckles who runs to the mall at a similar speed to sonic's but not
at the same level of his. sonic stopped to a halt infront of the mall putting amy down who blushed a little after being held by
sonic like that. sonic turns back and sees knuckles and tails catch up to him with tails flying down landing on the ground.

SONIC: heh, nice to see you guys catch up.

KNUCKLES: yeah no thanks to you, so this is the place huh? what was it called..a umm, a mall?

TAILS: it's where humans go to eat, buy food, resources and other things. heck lots of
them have arcade games.

SONIC: coool, sounds like my kind of place to hang out.

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