Chapter 44

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"Look.. that's her foot," Frankie pointed to her belly as the baby stretched her stomach. Severus made a little horrified face, "Does that hurt?" he asked curiously as he watched. "Yes, it takes my breath away," she exhaled, her fingers pushing against the bulging area of her small belly.

"We have to pick a name soon, love. She doesn't have a bed, or anything else for that matter," Severus sighed. Both of them had been preoccupied with life currently, neglecting the upcoming arrival. "This week.. I will.. go get her some things.. I'll have to close the shop one day, I suppose," she sighed.

"What day is the photo shoot? Do you know any of the details yet?" Severus asked her curiously as they laid cuddled on the sofa. "It's Wednesday. That's the extent of what I know so far. He said he would owl me the details. Why would they not let you in my room?" she questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

"Perhaps I'm not what they expected," Severus grinned. "I should have told them my Daddy was coming instead of my husband," she giggled playfully. "Where are you going after the baby gets here? The apartment or your safe house?" Severus asked her with a raised eyebrow. It was clear he was still annoyed that she had arranged the cottage for herself in order to hide from him.

"Most likely the cottage for a few days while I recover. I hate leaving the shop for that long but I don't really have another option at the moment. I should have just hired someone months ago to help me.

In a perfect world, I would have someone run the shop completely for me while I work on pieces to fill it with. I feel as if I'm in a constant time crunch.. trying to make new pieces for sale as well as commissioned pieces. I spread myself too thin at times but I don't know another option right now," she sighed, her face lay against his chest, tracing circles.

"I wish you could help me," she frowned at him. "I wish that as well. To be honest, I cannot wait for all of this to be over. I want nothing more than for us to live as a family under the same roof," the man sighed deeply. "Thankfully you will be on summer break when she arrives. We will have a whole three months to argue incessantly before you go back to school," she grinned up at him cheekily.

"I cannot think of a better way to spend my summer than with a newborn and a evil little sex demon," Severus grinned at her, pulling her face to his so he could kiss her softly. Her lips met his softly, causing a little moan to escape her lips. "6 weeks. That's how long we have to wait after she's born.. that's what the doctor says," she frowned after they pulled away.

"I cannot fathom a world in which you willingly wait 6 weeks. I shall need a very large stick to fight you off with," the man teased her playfully.

"What we need are some buzz buzz toys.. That way I can get myself off without having to beg you to touch me," she grinned at him.

"What we need are butt plugs. That way I can keep you stretched and ready to be fucked. Otherwise, your jaw is going to get very tired. I will still expect to be taken care of," Severus informed her with a little smirk. "What if I refuse," she teased him playfully, leaning over him as he laid back on the pillows lazily.

"Do you realize how easily I could overpower you? It takes only a fraction of my strength to make you choke on me," the smug raven-haired man grinned at her. Frankie giggled and rolled over playfully into her own spot staring at the candle lit cave ceiling. "We have to calm down," she exclaimed cheekily.

"You're right.. until later. Let me find us something to eat and then we will have a nice long bath. Daddy will wash your hair for you," Severus grinned down at her from the pillow he was lounging on. "I already washed it this morning.. However, we did work up quite the sweat today.. I will allow it, Professor," she teased him playfully.

"I know you and I aren't.. the soft emotional type.. or we don't enjoy those emotions.. I want to say, however maddening you are the majority of the time.. I believe I have found happiness for the first time in my life.. Perhaps it's insanity on the other hand.. Either way I enjoy you just as you are..

Had you and I never ended up together, I could see us still remaining friends after you left school. I am here because I love you.. Not because you believe I have some forced duty to you or our daughter. I enjoy every creepy or sometimes slightly terrifying thing about you. I appreciate you in a way you can never truly understand.

That being said, we frustrate each other endlessly. I was so nice waking you up this morning after checking on your ex boyfriend. You on the other hand were an absolute brat. I'm not telling you that to be controlling or cruel. It's simply the truth. I would appreciate in the future if I am being especially nice to you, that you reciprocate the same level of respect.

You will never tell me that I am being like him again. I've already warned you once. You were already in the shower this morning when you said it to me again. That's why I waited to handle this until now.

How would you feel if I were to compare you to people from my past? I'm sure it wouldn't feel good. I am not him. That means treating me with more respect when I speak to you. I want you to start saying yes sir, no sir, just as you did at school," he said while he forced their eye contact with a soft grasp of her neck.

"I apologize for hurting your feelings. You're right, I was being a bad little girl this morning.. I think my Daddy should spank my little ass and play with my pussy while I lay on his lap. We cannot forget the cute little panties pulled down my legs," she grinned at him playfully. "You're trying to get fucked and we cannot tonight.. not like that," Severus reminded her with a glare.

"I have always had a sex drive but it's different with you. I want you inside me.. fucking me.. all day.. The thought of sleeping next to you tonight without fucking you is already starting to upset me..

I know that sounds insane considering earlier today. Perhaps it's partly hormones but as bad as I was hurting earlier, I still want to make love to you tonight," she confessed. "Daddy will take care of you before we sleep. I promise," the man whispered before giving her reassuring kiss. 

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