Chapter 65

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As soon as they arrived home, "Get your things, I'm taking you both to the Keep. No one but you and I know about it," Severus ordered her. "I'm not going into hiding. At least for now, he has no reason to hurt Malice or myself," Frankie huffed.

"I cannot let him hurt either of you," Severus said with tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't think that is his intention, for the time being. As long as I prove myself invaluable," Frankie replied with deep sigh, her gaze averting Severus. She nestled her face into the sleeping baby against her chest taking in the smell of her.

"I cannot promise he will not try to consecrate the act upon you. However, if he does, I have a potion I can brew to counter act it. If I were powerful enough, I would simply dispose of him myself for even entertaining the idea of using you as a surrogate. You were perfect back there, believable," Severus reassured her as he wrapped his arms around her.

"How did he know where we were? Do you think he read your mind? Perhaps a spy," Frankie asked. "Maybe someone at the hospital. I'm not sure right now," he sighed.

"He seemed.. irritated at the secrecy," Frankie muttered. "Very astute, my darling. He seemed quite perturbed I was keeping my private life that private.," Severus replied looking down into her worried face.

"Am I really going to have to.. sleep with him? Bella's sloppy seconds.. Merlin I'm going to be sick," Frankie said shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'll do everything I can to prevent that from happening. I assure you, I do not wish this to happen either," Severus sighed. "Were you nervous when he was holding her?" she asked softly.

"Yes I was nervous," he replied softly. "So was I but I was trying to stay calm," Frankie replied as she went to sit in her chair again with the sleeping baby.

"You were perfect, my love." he replied as he sat down. The rest of the evening was rather quiet, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The next morning, Frankie woke up alone with a note left in his spot.

"I've been summoned. I'll be back soon, I hope. I love you," it read. Frankie was in bed feeding Malice when the room was barged into by none of other than Lucius Malfoy. "My dear. I take no pleasure in this but you have been summoned. I need you to", Malfoy Sr. started as Draco walked in behind him.

"To get dressed Frankie," Draco spat at her. "What is going on here? Is Severus, ok?" she argued as she got up from the bed just in sleep shorts. Malice was still nursing on a topless Frankie.

"Of course he is. The Dark Lord wishes to speak to you," Lucius Malfoy said in annoyance. "Father, if I may. I will stay with her while she dresses if you wish to step out," Draco offered.

"I'll be in the hallway," Lucius replied as he turned and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Dray, what the actual fuck is going?" Frankie hissed at him while she unlatched Malice from her breasts. Instantly the baby started crying as she wasn't finished nursing.

Frankie placed her in Draco's arms as she went to the closet to find a suitable outfit. "Sorry, love. This wasn't my idea," Draco whispered to the upset baby.

"Don't call me love," Frankie hissed at him as she turned back around. "I was talking to your crying baby you little brat," Draco hissed back at her.

"Well, if we hadn't been interrupted, she wouldn't be crying right now!," Frankie complained as she dressed herself quickly in a simple flowy black dress.

"Look here you ungrateful little bitch, this wasn't my idea. You are lucky I said I would come get you instead of someone you didn't know. Do you think I wanted to see you nursing someone else's baby? You were supposed to be mine. Say one more smart thing to me and I'll bloody your mouth," Draco hissed back at her.

"Just hold her for a moment more, I need to fix my face quickly and brush my teeth," Frankie replied softly as she walked past him to the bedroom door. She had to pass by Lucius on the way. "Leave the door open," Lucius huffed as he followed her.

"Draco has my baby. I'm not going anywhere. I just need to fix myself," Frankie spat back at him, shoving the door closed. Finally, she grabbed the baby who was still crying. She attempted to soothe her but it was no luck.

"Let's go," Frankie said, rolling her eyes as she grabbed Draco's hand. Once Draco apparated them to the Manor, Mr. Malfoy landing right behind them. The baby was still crying as they walked inside to the dining hall where everyone was seated. "My apologies, My Lord. I had just started feeding her when Lucius arrived," she said as she bowed her head, looking to the floor.

"That's quite alright. I've saved you a seat down here. You may finish nursing her," Voldemort grinned at her. "Thank you, My Lord," Frankie replied as she went to sit in the seat.

She attempted to carefully pull her breast out for the baby but Malice was in a pure panic, her arms and open mouth going crazy. Finally, Frankie forced her nipple into the screaming baby's mouth, quieting the room once more.

What the young woman didn't realize is Voldemort was watching the whole scene carefully, eyeing her up. Frankie smiled softly, her eyes going to Severus who looked unusually calm, considering.

Their eyes met briefly, and she could see his micro expression. The man was boiling inside. "I think it's only appropriate that our new friend Francesca Blackwood be brought into our little ever-growing group. My dear, I'm going to brand your arm with the dark mark once you are finished," Voldemort hissed.

"Yes, my Lord.. It's just that, never mind. I apologize," she replied putting her head down. Severus spoke up, "If I may, my Lord. She doesn't mean to offend. Francesca is a model. The dark mark would be difficult for her to hide when she is doing certain jobs," he remarked.

"Oh well, that is disappointing. She cannot bear my offspring if she's not officially a member of our little family. If she cannot bear my heir.. I have to ask myself what good is she? Perhaps a beautiful distraction," Voldemort hissed looking over to Frankie.

"I beg for your forgiveness My Lord. There would be no greater honor than to wear the dark mark," she said with obviously nervous breath. Voldemort clapped playfully. "Do you hear that, Severus? No greater honor. You've trained her well," the snaked faced man hissed.

"Thank you, My Lord," Severus replied carefully. "There only lies but one more question in my mind. How dedicated is our little Ms. Blackwood to her Lord. I need to evaluate her, privately. If she comes out of the room, you'll know she has passed my test," Voldemort hissed. 

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