Old West

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The scene changes to a new Lego world as Emily screams as she falls and finally lands onto the ground, Wyldstyle leaves her screaming. Emily slowly stops screaming as she notices that her surroundings are different.

Emily Brickowski: "Wait. Where are we?"

A sign suddenly comes up to announced this new Lego world as "The Old West"

Emily Brickowski: "This is so cool yet weir-"

Wyldstyle walks back over to Emily and hits her with a giant cactus.

Emily Brickowski: "Ow! What was that for?!"

Wyldstyle: "You're not the Special! You lied to me!"

Emily Brickowski: "Well, I mean it depends...it really depends on..."

Wyldstyle: "You're not even a Master Builder, are you?"

Wyldstyle turns and starts walking off and Emily follows behind her.

Emily Brickowski: "Uh...I mean I know what a Master Builder is, why don't you tell me what it is? That way I could see if you're right."

Wyldstyle: "You ruined the prophecy."

Emily Brickowski: "I'm sorry, okay? You just made being Special sound so good."

Wyldstyle: "To think I was going to follow you to the end of the universe."

Emily Brickowski: "Hold on. You keep saying that I'm the special and that I'm not the special. Could you possibly explain to me what's a-?"

Wyldstyle then suddenly pulls Emily behind a gravestone as she hears people in the distance.

Wyldstyle: "Quiet!"

Wyldstyle and Emily watch two cowboys in the distance.

Cowboy #1: "You all wanna dry turkey leg?"

Cowboy #2: "Do you have any idea what that does to your colon?"

Wyldstyle slips in from above, attacks them and knocks them out.

Emily Brickowski: "Oh, my G-O-S-H. That was awesome!"

Wyldstyle throws Emily a western dress.

Wyldstyle: "Just put the dress on. Oh, and this. And this, and this. And this."

From inside the cowboys wagon Wyldstyle throws Emily a sun hat, gun and a literal horse.

Wyldstyle: "And by the way, I have a boyfriend."

She turns and she's now wearing an old fashioned western dress.

Emily Brickowski: "Ok, uh, I'm not sure exactly why you bring that up."

Wyldstyle: "Super serious and you do not want to mess with him."

Emily Brickowski: "Okay."

Wyldstyle: "So, don't get any ideas."

She then jumps onto one of the cowboy's horse.

Emily Brickowski: "I never have any ideas. I've actually just seen you more like a-"

Emily sits her horse up before it suddenly runs off.

Emily Brickowski: "Hey, Wait!"

After catching her horse, Emily catches up with Wyldstyle and rides beside her as they ride through the western town.

Emily Brickowski: "Hey, uh...listen. Do you think you can explain to me like why I'm dressed like this? What those big words in the sky were all about and like where we are in time?"

Wyldstyle huffs at Emily in frustration and her horse does the same.

Wyldstyle: "Your home, Bricksburg, is one of many realms in the universe. There's also this one, Pirates Cove, Knights Club, Vikings Landing, Clown Town, a bunch of others we don't need to mention."

As she speaks, the camera smash cuts past various other worlds according to what she says before it cuts back to them.

Emily Brickowski: "Mm-hmm."

Wyldstyle: "Lord Business, or as you think you know him, President Business, stole the Kragle, the most powerful object in the universe and at the end of the universe, we have to put the Piece of Resistance onto the Kragle and disarm it forever!"

Emily Brickowski: "Great. I think I got it. But just in case, tell me the whole thing again so that it makes more sense?"

Wyldstyle huffs at Emily in frustration again as does her horse.

Wyldstyle: "Okay, all the people of the universe were once free to travel and mingle and build whatever they wanted. But President Business was confused by all the chaos, so he erected walls between the worlds and became obsessed with order and perfection, and he stole the mysterious secret super weapon called..."

Flashback to when Lord Business stole the Kragle from Vitruvius.

Lord Business: "The Kragle!"

Wyldstyle: "And he hired Bad Cop to hunt down all the Master Builders, who were always changing everything. Those of us who remained, well we went into hiding, built tunnels to survive. And we searched for the Piece of Resistance, the only thing that can stop the Kragle."

Emily Brickowski: "The Kragle, I know that. I mean, that cop, well he said something about the Kragle, President Business was going to use the Kragle to end the world in three days. I can't make any sense of it."

Wyldstyle suddenly realizes something as she stops for a moment.

Wyldstyle: "Taco Tuesday! I knew that was suspicious. There's no time to lose! We must find Vitruvius and get to the Office Tower before it's too late!"

She starts rushing off towards a saloon.

Emily Brickowski: "Okay. But, hang on, how scary can someone's office be?"

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