Emily's Mind

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Emily Brickowski: "Whoa! Are we inside my brain right now? It's big. I must be smart."

Wyldstyle: "Mm-hmm."

Vitruvius: "I'm not hearing a lot of activity here."

Wyldstyle: "I don't think she's ever had an original thought in her life."

Emily Brickowski: "*laughs* That's not true. For instance, one time I wanted to have a bunch of my friends over to watch TV.

A TV suddenly forms behind her.

Emily Brickowski: "Not unlike this TV that just showed up magically. And not everybody could fit on my one couch."

A couch then forms behind her.

Emily Brickowski: "And I thought to myself, 'well, what if there was such a thing as a bunk bed, but as a coach?'"

The couch then forms into a double Decker couch.

Emily Brickowski: "Introducing the double Decker coach. So everyone can watch TV together and be besties!"

Wyldstyle: "...That is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Vitruvius: "Please, Wyldstyle, don't be so rude to her like that."

They continued to float around Emily's empty mind.

Vitruvius: "There must be something around here that proves her potential. If The Man Upstairs chose her to the Special, there must be a reason."

Emily Brickowski: "Who's The Man Upstairs?"

Wyldstyle: "See? She doesn't even know about The Man Upstairs."

Emily Brickowski: "Wait, does he have super gross hands that look like they're made out of big pink sausages, like eagle talons mixed with squid?"

They turn to see Emily being raised up on a large human-like hand and get shocked by it.

Wyldstyle: "Wait. You've seen the...?"

Emily turns and notices that she's standing on a large hand.

Emily Brickowski: "Wow! That's what I was just thinking about!"

Wyldstyle: "How did you...?"

Emily Brickowski: "I had this weird dream when I touched the Piece. Well, I...I mean I wasn't asleep, so it wasn't really dream..."

Vitruvius: "My dear, you had a vision."

Emily Brickowski: "I did?"

Vitruvius: "Master Builders spend years training themselves to clear their minds enough to have even a fleeting glimpse of The Man Upstairs. And yet, your mind is already so prodigiously empty that there is nothing in it to clear away in the first place. With proper training you could become a great Master Builder."

Emily Brickowski: "I could?"

Vitruvius: "The prophecy chose you, Emily."

Emily Brickowski: "But I can't do any of the stuff that the prophecy says I'm supposed to do. I'm not even a master builder like you guys."

Vitruvius: "All you have to do is to believe, then you will see everything. Are you ready, my dear?"

Emily Brickowski: "Yes, I am. I think."

Vitruvius: "Then we haven't a moment to lose. We must assemble the Master Builders."

The scene cuts back in the saloon one cowboy points his gun at another cowboy.

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