The Dagger

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For most of her life, Emma thought she was only attracted to men. Which wasn't a bad thing. She was also one to acknowledge that women were hot as well. However she didn't put too much thought into it as she never really imagined seeing her self with the same gender.

But since Thanksgiving, Emma's 'girl crush' on Rosa was now beyond that. She would lay in bed at night, thinking about her. How she looked extremely hot in that dress, as well as her regular  work clothes. How pretty her face was. How whenever she would let out that rare smile or laugh, Emma would turn into literal mush on the inside. She had never felt so in love before.

That continued when she actually saw her at work. Her heart always fluttered after speaking to her and sometimes, even sitting next to her felt to be too much.

Thankfully, Rosa was oblivious to it as were the rest of the squad although Gina had been suspicious of the two.
But more importantly, Emma kept grinding and managed to focus on her work first.

That included teaming up with the badass detective for a case which was about a new psychedelic drug called 'OMatic'.
After arresting some stoners with the drug and finding out more information with help of using a pharmaceutical scientist, the two had enough intel to begin searching for the main supplier.

They were beginning to lose hope after two weeks of nothing, when Emma had noticed something seemed off.

"Hey Diaz, I think I have something." She called the woman over to her desk.

"Finally" Rosa huffed while walking over.. "What you find?"

"I looked over the card the guy gave us and it doesn't add up."

"Why do you still have that thing? That small piece of junk is a dead end." She said while crossing her arms, frustrated that her partner had kept a card that was totally useless.

"That's what you think." She grinned before handing her the card.

"How? We already figured out that Dr Romes doesn't exist and neither does that serial number."

"That's because it's not a serial number. It's a code. Turn it over." Emma instructed as Rosa did what she was told.

"1423 Semor Rd." Rosa read off the card. "You just wrote it backwards." She said with her usual straight face.

"Yes, but look what happens when I search it."
Emma typed in the address on google maps before going into street view, revealing a huge estate with an old brick building around it.

"Now doesn't that look like a shady drug lair?" She beamed, clapping excitedly.

"Damn, nice job Lowe." Rosa admired proudly as Emma was ecstatic on the inside.

"Thanks. I mean I have done coding once or twice, but didn't know I was-"

"Wait, shut up." Rosa interrupted her as she stared at the building on the computer.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?" Emma raised her brows.

"Yes, look." She pointed to the image

"I know that building. It's the former headquarters of Ricardo Rucio." She gritted through her teeth as Jake suddenly shot up out of his chair.

"Woah, woah, woah. You guys are talking about Ricardo Rucio aka 'The Dagger'?" He questioned in disbelief, overhearing the conversation.

"Who's 'the dagger'?" Emma asked intriguingly.

"Seriously Em? How are you even a cop?" Jake frowned in disbelief as she gave him a dirty look.

"He used to be one of the biggest drug lords on the east coast. We took down one of his gangs almost 10 years ago at that exact same location." Rosa informed.

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