Back Together

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‼️Warning ‼️
Mentions of smut.

After the celebration party, Emma and Rosa were now outside Shaw's, walking around the dimly lit streets of Brooklyn.

"So, how does it feel to be a free woman again?" Emma asked her girlfriend.

"Man, these stars are really pretty, aren't they?" Rosa stated, looking up at the night sky, seeming to be in her own world.

"Hey. Stop being fascinated by our galaxy, I'm talking to you." Emma nudged her, bringing her back to reality

"Sorry, this is just my first time seeing the night in almost six months." She mentioned.

"You better not be like this with everything you see." Her girlfriend commented.

"Relax. But yeah, I am happy to be back."

"That's good." Emma smiled as they walked a little more before stopping at Rosa's bike.

"Here you go. I gave it a quick clean up, so she'd look nice for you." Emma handed Rosa the keys, who thanked her with a soft smile and hopped on the bike as Emma watched her

"You're not getting on?" Rosa asked

"I thought you would want to be alone for now." She shrugged

"Nah man. I wanna spend time with you." Rosa stated making Emma blush wildly.
The fact that Rosa wanted to be back in her lover's arms as soon as she got out of jail, made Emma's heart fill with joy.

"Well I guess I can hop on if you really want me to." She teased

"Don't make me change my mind." Rosa warned

"Okay, Okay."

Emma got on, as they put on their helmets and drove off to Rosa's apartment.


"Welcome home!" Emma beamed as they entered the apartment.

"Wow, you really went all in." Rosa commented, noticing everything had been deep cleaned.

"Yeah, by the time I checked it, it was gathering dust. Took me a few hours to get rid of it all." She explained.

Suddenly, Arlo ran up to them and started barking happily.

"Hey, bud. You miss me?" Rosa patted him gently as the dog licked her while wagging, realising his mum was home. He then got a bit too excited, jumping on Rosa which made her fall onto the floor.

Rosa was now rolling around on the floor, trying to get Arlo off of her and covering her face to stop being licked by the dog as Emma giggled at the sight in front of her, seeing her girlfriend in a vulnerable position, before an evil idea popped in her head.
She then quickly got down on her knees and began tickling at Rosa's sides.

"Emma, stop!" She laughed, as the two ganged up on the badass Latina.

"Okay, that's enough, both of you." She puffed out, pushing Emma away as both of their faces were red.

"Do that again, I'll rip off your arms and throw them in a wood chipper." She threatened.

"No you won't. You would never hurt me." Emma smiled and kissed her head before helping her up off the floor.


For the rest of the night, the girls had a mini movie night which mainly consisted of Nancy Meyers, of course, as Rosa had missed regular television. All the while, she had been thinking about saying one thing to Emma since she got back.

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