First Case

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It had now been a week since my first day at the Nine Nine, and I was ready to go back in the field after completing my desk duties, with the Captain giving me my badge and gun (which I already had a license for).

I had already felt much more comfortable than my last precinct and had gotten along with mostly everyone, especially Amy who was really kind and helpful even if she was a bit of a neat freak at times.

Jake and my new desk buddy Charles were a close second. They knew how to make a workplace seem fun, although Charles would often ramble about exotic foods and Jake would try to turn everything into a 'John McLane' situation.

The only person I had trouble with was Rosa. It was kind of challenging not to be at least unnerved around her, especially when I came into work one day and she was sharpening a huge knife. Other than that, we never really communicated except for an occasional nod here and there.

But maybe it was a good thing I wasn't close to everyone. I was still new after all.


As we all waited for the Captain's regular morning briefing to begin, I noticed Rosa sitting up the back by herself.

I had sat next to everyone, except Hitchcock and Scully and only once next to Gina. Never again.
But maybe today would be the day I overcome my 'fear' of her.

I walked up to the table where she was sat with her feet up and arms crossed.

"Is-is this seat taken?" I asked nervously.
"No" she replied bluntly.

Even though she said no, I could tell she wasn't really comfortable with someone sitting next to her, so I looked around for another spot when everyone had sat down and there were no more left. I sighed and sat next to the woman, not looking her way as Captain Holt entered the room and started the briefing.

"Attention, squad. Before we go over everyone's last cases, I would like to acknowledge that Detective Lowe has completed her desk duty and will be back out in the field." Holt announced as everyone applauded me and Jake gave me a high five.

Throughout the rest of the meeting, I kept subtly glancing at Rosa. I don't know why I felt so on edge around her. 'She's not that scary.' I thought to myself before snapping back to reality when I heard Holt talking to her.

"Diaz, where are you with the drug dealer?" He asked her.

"The suspect is 32-year-old Jerold Thomas. He's been caught before with multiple charges of drug trafficking and possession. He's apparently making a deal on Waverley Street in an hour. I'm gonna go scope it out." She informed.

"Good. Take Lowe with you, in case you may need backup." He gestured to me.

"Wait, you're putting me with the new kid?" She asked annoyed

"Hey!" I exclaimed offended

"You may not remember a few weeks ago when I specifically told everyone I would be expecting them to work the new detective." He argued

"With all due respect sir, Is that really necessary?This is guy is a big deal. It would be better to have someone with more experience on this case" She told him.

"Lowe has taken down many drug rings and other similar operations throughout her career. This is practically her expertise." The captain defended.

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