Chapter 2 • goodbyes

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"Momo! It's been six hours since the wedding and I haven't seen my so called 'husband' since! What is his deal?" I exclaimed pacing Around my room, in my extremely uncomfortable wedding gown. "I mean he says what!? Three words, marries me and just doesn't talk to me after?" I said angrily sitting down onto the couch next to momo.

"Oh come on don't be like that! He's probably busy with important stuff" she said trying to make me feel better, rubbing my shoulder.

"Like what??" I huffed "he couldn't at least said hi to his wife??"

"Hi" said a gruff voice from the door way. I froze and turned my head to see my annoyed looking husband.

"I was busy signing documents for the truce, so yeah a little important" he scoffed. "Get ready we're leaving" he said stomping out the door, before slamming it shut.
I cringed at the interaction.

"Well Isn't he just a ray of sunshine" Momo said sarcastically, as she got up and started to pack my bags.


"Maybe he's not always like that, he could just be stressed" Momo said trying to make me feel better,but failing miserably.

"Or he's just mean" I said annoyed.

"Yeah maybe... probably" Momo shrugged As she picked up my bags.

I had changed out of my itchy dress and into a more comfortable one and shoes with a much smaller heel.

The divide was beautiful, I never got to visit because of the war but my heard about it from my brothers. It was a land where the war should've been destructive but it still managed to be so beautiful, from the flowers growing to the green grass and blue sky. I haven't felt this peaceful in a while, that was until a familiar booming voice spoke from a distance.

"Oi! Wife!" Bakugou yelled, waving his hand aggressively.

"I am 99% positive he forgot my name.." I whispered to momo, she giggled.

"Hurry up." He snapped giving me the look he gave me at the wedding, the one I still couldn't figure out.

"Okay, okay calm down." I said annoyed, what a great way to start a marriage.

"Y/N!!" A voice yelled causing me to quickly turn to it.

"Kenji! Akira!!" I yelled running towards my brothers and hugging them tightly.

"You weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye we're you?" Akira smiled.

"Yeah not very princessy of you Y/N" kenji said tussling my H/C hair, as I smacked his hand away.

"Boys stop bothering her." My father said walking up behind them. And I quickly moved to hug him.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" I said sadly

"Hey we'll visit you all the time, dont worry about it" kenji said smiling.

"Yeah and me and father will write you every week, not sure about Kenji though, Im not sure he can read.." akira joked, whispering the last part in a hushed tone as he giggled.

"we leave before sundown." Bakugou piped up from behind us, impatiently pointing to the sky.

"Okay we'll get out of your way" my father said calmly "bakugou." He said nodding in his direction coldly, bakugou returned the gesture.

"Y/N, I should probably get going as well" Momo said sombrely.

"Promise you'll write me??" I pleaded as I hugged her tightly

"Promise." She answered happily.

I waved as we said our goodbyes, great.. now I'm left alone with bakugou.

"Follow." He Gruffed picking up my bag and hauling it over his shoulder, along with his own.

They weren't lying when they said he was strong. I blushed slightly as I followed him.

"Where are we going??" I asked, no reply.


Little Bit of a Short chapter! But I will be doing daily updates :))

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