Chapter 8 • shoyoso

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Kirishima had landed in a large grassy field about a mile or two away from the city.

"Man it took a Long time to get here" Kirishima said as he stretched his hands above his head groaning loudly as his body crunched and cracked.

We had finally made it to shoyoso, my new home. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified, I mean what if everyone hates me??

"-Sorry princess, I know you don't like flying" kirishima spoke, finishing a sentence I didn't hear the first half of.

"It's okay!" I smiled at the red head "you did great kirishima! I can imagine it would've taken a lot longer to get here if it wasn't for your flying" I said complimenting the man

"Thanks princess!" He said smiling a large toothy grin, grasping my shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze. Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes at the gesture.

A rustling from the bushes beside us interrupted, Bakugou stepped out infront of us.

Two men emerged from the forest, quickly bowing down infront of us.

"Our prince." They both spoke before standing up straight.

"Good to see your trip went well." A man with longish black hair smiled at bakugou before his eyes flicked to me. "Princess.." He said before the pair bowed again.

"Wow you're even more beautiful than they said.." The second man said, grabbing my hand and kissing it softly.
He had messy yellow hair, with a lighting bolt on the side of his head.

"I'm denki kaminari! And that's hanta sero" the yellow haired man said pointing between the two. "We're royal guards at the castle, so if anyone wants to get to you they have to go through us!" He said flexing his arm, giving me a dopey grin. sero nodded and held up his thum agreeing with his friends speech.

"Okay!" I said happily, hiding the fact I was a little nervous these two nitwits would be the ones that would be protecting me.

"Follow us." Sero said motioning us to follow him "the carriage is just over here!"

Bakugou huffed a short answer under his breath as he grabbed our bags and followed the two guards through the forest.

Soon enough we made it to a small regal looking carriage.
Kaminari opened the door of the cart. bakugou went to  step inside before he was stopped and pushed aside by the man holding the door.

"Hey what's your deal!?-" bakugou yelled before he was cut off

"Ladies first" kaminari said smirking at me as he bowed, holding his arm out for me to grab. Bakugou stayed silent mumbling something under his breath, clearly unhappy.

"Thank you.." I said smiling at the man as he winked. I blushed stepping into the carriage and taking a seat on the soft cushions that were covered in warm fur blankets and pillows.

Bakugou and kirishima followed after me into the space. the blonde taking a seat beside me, spreading his legs wide as he sat, forcing me to squish up against his leg. Kirishima sat across from us as he closed the door behind him.

A sudden jolting of the carriage informed me we had started to move.

My leg bounced up and down with nerves. I really hope they like me..

"Princess no need to worry, everyone in shoyoso should be asleep so you don't need to greet anybody" kirishima said grabbing my leg softly causing the bounce to come to a stop. "All you need to worry about is getting a good nights rest!" He said reassuring me.

"Okay.." I said giving him a soft smile before I looked out the window beside me, admiring the trees as we moved by. But my eyes were drawn to bakugous reflection in the dark window, staring back at me. I quickly averted my gaze to the soft carpet my shoes sank into.

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