Chapter 9 • breakfast

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"WAKE UP" A booming voice yelled in my ear causing me to shoot up from my slumber.

"WHAT!?" I yelled in a panic, my eyes flicking across the room toward the angry looking man who had yelled in my ear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I yelled at the blonde infront of me.

"Well you didn't wake up the first time I said it." bakugou huffed.

"So you scream in my ear??" I groaned tiredly, burying my head into the soft pillows behind me.
Bakugou shrugged in response, tussling his blonde hair slightly.

"You need to get ready." He said sharply walking into the bathroom and shutting the door with a firm slam.
I closed my eyes hoping I'd be able to get a little bit more sleep in, but they were forced opened at the sound of heavy water coming from the bathroom. bakugou must be having a shower.

I rubbed my tired eyes as i scanned the dimly lit room, the muffled sound of the village filled the bedroom.

In front of me on the bed neatly laid an outfit I could only assume was for me. My hands grabbed at the soft fabric of the garment as i pulled it towards me to look at. It was different than what I would usually wear in esmary, but regardless it was beautiful.


I twirled in front the mirror that sat in my room. I wore a low cut dress that wrapped around me tightly. The outfit showed quite a bit of my skin than the clothes I would usually wear in esmary would, mostly around my chest.

I finished off the outfit with many different pearl beaded necklaces and bracelets that were also left for me. I hummed happily as i looked at myself in the glass, doing one last spin before looking toward the bathroom door.

I needed to do my hair and brush my teeth, but the heavy cloud of steam coming from under the bathroom door told me Bakugou was still in the shower.

I groaned as i laid myself on the warm bed, my arms stretched above my head.

The sound of the bathroom door clicking as it opened caused me to sit up slightly, eyes darting toward the man exiting the room.

The prince walked confidently through the room, a thin towel hung low around his waist. My eyes quickly averted from his lower half for my own dignity and towards his bare chest, still slightly damp from the shower.

"You gonna keep starin??" He smirked in a cocky tone, running his hand through his wet blonde hair.

"I wasn't." I said slightly embarrassed he had caught my gawking.  

"Sure.." he said shrugging. "Whatever you say princess"

"You're so full of yourself." I scoffed, silently blushing at his remark as I made my way towards the bathroom, swiftly closing the door behind me.


"Wife." Bakugous fist knocked on the door. "Hurry up, you have an entire kingdom to greet"

"Okay give me a second!" I snapped at him through the door as I delicately pinned half of my hair up.

"HURRY U-" the angry man started but was interrupted by me opening the door. "Took you long enough." He said resting his fore arm against the door frame.

"Must you be so impatient??" I said bitterly pushing him out of my way, his dark eyes followed me as I stormed away from him.

How can a man that attractive be so arrogant.

"Come on. I'm hungry." He said gruffly opening the door that lead into the hallway.

I followed behind the blonde as he walked, strong arms swinging as he sauntered down the hallway.

"So When do I meet your parents?" I asked wandering behind him as I admired the various paintings and art that scattered the walls.

"Soon." He said bluntly.

"Okayyyyy..." I said awkwardly at his quick straight forward spoken words.

Finally we reached two large doors toward the end of the hall. Bakugou pressed his hands against the doors as he opened them with ease.

"Prince! princess!" Two familiar voices exclaimed, denki and sero bowed infront of us as we walked into the room.

"Get out of my way." Bakugou stated, pushing kaminaris head roughly.

Sero chuckled slightly at the interaction before sending a friendly smile my way.

"Hi" I smiled and waved at the pair.

"Hello princess~" the yellow haired man said motioning me to sit down at the large table in the middle of the room.

Sero rushed to pull out my chair for me at the end of the long table.

"Thank you.." I said sitting down on the cushioned seat.

Bakugou sat across from me, at least 10 meters away. And Breakfast had already been set out for us.

"We'll be outside if you need anything!" Sero exclaimed as the two guards once again bowed in front of us. And the doors closed with a heavy bang as they left.

I stared at the blonde across the table as he messily ate his food.

For a prince he sure didn't have any manners.. I thought as I continued to study the man across from me.

"You know you have a little bit of a staring problem." He spoke with a mouthful of food.

"You know you could chew a little quieter." I replied, returning his harsh tone.

"Oh ya?" The prince said cockily, making sure to chew his food extra loud.
I scoffed at his childishness and I took a bite of my breakfast.

Bakugou quickly finished his food and pushed his plate forward, making room for him to rest his feet upon the table, as if to taunt me.

"Must you do that?.." I asked, annoyed with his un mannered actions.

"Must you keep talking to me?" He said as he smirked at the angry expression on my face.

"Well maybe I should talk to kirishima some more? Huh?" I said taking another bite of my food. Bakugous jaw tightened at my remark.

"Well maybe you should-" the prince started but was interrupted by the two dopey knights barging through the door.

"Bakugou, princess!" A familiar voice spoke.

"kirishima!" I said smiling at the man beside the two guards.

"It is time for you two to greet the kingdom" sero said, smiling towards me.

I quickly rose my chair and made my way toward kirishima, standing closely beside him as
I followed him out of the room.

And my eyes didn't miss the way bakugous jaw clenched angrily at the action.


Sorry I haven't posted for a bit I've been busy 😻🫶

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