Chapter 5 • morning

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The rise sun peaked through the curtains of the window, the light landing softly on my face causing me to tiredly open my eyes.

I could make out the faint noise of kirishima in the next room, doing god know what. I should probably get dressed I thought trying to get up, but was immediately stopped by a warm strong arm.

Bakugou was wrapped around my back, my ass rested against his strong abs.
holding me incredibly close, the blondes large hand laid low on my stomach.

Great. I thought, blushing a deep red.

"Bakugou I needa get up.." I said sleepily, trying my best to push the mans muscular arm off of me.
but he only grunted and held on tighter, resting his head softly into my neck.
Now he was even closer, if that was even possible.
his breathing was heavy, and his soft hair tickled the back of my neck.

I mean it could be worse.. I thought excepting the uncomfortable situation I had been put in, closing my eyes sleepily.


"Princess" a voice called "you needa wake up sleepy head" the voice spoke again, I slowly opened my eyes only to be met by kirishima's red ones as he shook my shoulder, breaking me from my sleep.

"Morning princess!" Kirishima exclaimed smiling at my tired face.
He quickly handed me a cup of some kind of tea as I sat up in the warm bed, the various soft fur blankets covered me where bakugou once did.

Oh my god. I had almost forgotten the embarrassing events from earlier this morning.
i cant imagine how awkward it must've been when he woke up! I thought blushing and taking a sip of my tea.

"What time is it?" I asked looking at the happy looking red head, he must've been a morning person.

"Ten-thirty I think?" He said "you slept In, I was up hourssss ago." He explained sitting down onto the foot of the bed, watching me as I sipped on my tea. "Bakugou woke up about an hour ago, I think hes trying to find something to eat now."

"Hm.." I said acknowledging the man, not fully listening to him as my tired eyes threatened to close.

"Anyways, I'll give you some space to get ready. I'll be in the next room if you need me!" He said standing up. making his way towards the door, smiling slightly as he closed it behind him.


"Hey princess!" Kirishima said sitting up from the couch, smiling as I entered the room.

I had put on a pink dress Momo had packed me, a pretty floral design covered the piece of clothing.
I put my hair up in a matching silk ribbon.
I was in desperate need of a shower.

"Where's Bakugou?? I'm starving!" I said plopping down on the couch next to kirishima.

"He'll be back soon" he said smirking at me. What was that look for that for..

"Sooooooo..." he said suspiciously "you and the prince seemed awfully close last night.." he spoke knowingly, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Don't even talk about it..." I said groaning, throwing my face into my hands embarrassed at his mocking.

"Oh don't be embarrassed princess!" He said giggling.

"It wasn't even my fault! I tried pushing him away!" I said laughing, throwing a pillow at his dumb face.

"Sureeeeeeee" he said laughing even harder, throwing the pillow back at me.

"Hey!" I said playfully pushing him away.

"Oh you're going to regret that your highness!" He yelped, as he began to tickle my stomach.
I thrashed back and forth, laughing loudly.

"Hey! No fair!" I exclaimed through my booming laughter, as he continued to tickle me playfully.

"What the hell." said a voice as the front door opened with a loud creak, Revealing my angry looking husband.

Kirishima quickly peeled himself from his position on top of me. I can only imagine what it must've looked like to Bakugou, I cringed at the thought.

"Oh hey Bakugou!" Kirishima said smiling at the angry blonde, hopping from the couch to grab whatever was in Bakugou hands. Hopefully food.

"Here princess" Kirishima said passing me a box that radiated a soft heat. It smelled amazing.
The read head sat down across from the couch on the soft carpet, quickly opening the box of food, digging into some kind of noodles that sat inside with his chopsticks.

"Thank you.." I said politely smiling at Bakugou, causing him to huff and roll his eyes before taking a seat next to me on the couch, propping one of his legs up as he layed back.

I took a bite of the hot food, the food truly was amazing here.


"Are you done packing yet." Bakugou Asked  impatiently poking his head through the door. "We don't have all day you know. kirishima is already turned, we're all waiting on you." He huffed crossing his arms leaning his strong back against the door frame, watching me as I scrambled around the room trying to gather all my belongings.

"I'm going as fast as I can!"  I said groaning, throwing some of my clothes into my bag, the blondes eyes still following me.

I groaned as my bag failed to close. Of course. I pushed my elbow against the case, jumping on top. attempting to zip the overflowed bag up.
I can't believe momo could do this so easily.

"Move." Bakugou said pushing me softly aside. as he pushed his hand onto the bag, zipping it up almost immediately.
Show off. I thought rolling my eyes.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the bag, the weight of it caused my arms to instantly dropping it with a thud.
How the fuck did Bakugou carry this??

"Idiot." He mumbled under his breath, grabbing the bag from me. Lifting it with ease as he walked toward the door.


"Sorry for making you wait!" I said brushing kirishimas rough dragon skin with my hand. And The dragons head nodded understandingly.

I grabbed the side of the sattle that rested on top of the dragon, trying to pull myself up.. but failing.

"Bakugou.." I whined for help as I started to slip off.

"God can you do anything??" The blonde said pushing my lower back to help me up. And I squirmed my body up into a sitting position.

"Thanks!" I said smiling toward the blonde, deciding to follow kirishimas advice, letting the rude prince care.. in his own way.

"Whatever..." he said hauling himself up onto the dragon, sitting infront of me.

"Prince, princess." Said an old voice, catching my attention to the mayor standing beside us, his wife behind him smiling softly.
"Please except this as a parting gift" he said handing Bakugou a basket full of various spices and other small items.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the basket from the blonde prince, thanking the mayor knowing Bakugou wouldn't.

"You're very welcome princess!" Rosie-Anne said smiling warmly "good luck on your travels." She said Bowing towards us. I nodded politely, and Bakugou kicked kirishimas side signalling for him to fly.

I waved softly to the couple, before wrapping my arms around Bakugous caped back. Closing my eyes tightly.
I don't think I'll ever get used to taking off, I thought as I felt the dragons wings start to flap. And eventually the feeling of wind blowing past us as we propelled through the air.

"You really don't like flying huh?" Bakugou asked, chuckling slightly.

"Nope." I Said quickly, as the dragons speed increased, most likely Bakugous doing, causing me to hold onto him tighter. the blonde laughed at my fear, "Asshole." I said still not daring opening my eyes.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter pookies 😻 I'll be trying my best to do daily updates. I apologize in advance if I miss a day 🙏

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