I get taught control by a fox

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The cabin was silent for a few moments before I heard a light chuckle.

You've become better at noticing me.

Next to the potted plants on the windowsill the air shimmered. A small red fox appeared, leaping gracefully off the windowsill and walking up to where I was sat.

"Why are you here, Anweledig?" I sighed. "I thought you were all going to have a meeting about the prophecy."

The fox jumped up onto the bed and sat up, her tail wrapping around her paws. She stared at me with curious eyes.

We were going to have a meeting but things have changed. I must return to the others soon however as of right now I have a message.

"Okay." I rubbed my eyes tiredly then paused. "How did you even get on the ship?"

I was with Aros, then Hoots found us. He told us you had ordered a meeting to discuss something but we had more important news so he brought me to you before returning to finding the others.

I nodded slowly. "Right. What's the message?"

First, I need to know the prophecy, Hoots didn't tell me, all he told me was that it was important to what I needed to tell you. Anweledig sniffed. Owls, always think they know more than you.

I smiled. "Technically in this case he does." The fox sent me a glare. "Right, back to the conversation at hand. The prophecy was: The two long lost to the tides of time, shall never be saved for woes of their lives. The Wild will call out a final plead, to be answered or to never be seen."

The fox tilted her head. I hate to admit it, but Hoots was right. This is very, very bad.

I huffed. "Why does everything have to go terribly wrong whenever I'm involved?"

You're a trouble magnet. The fox shifted her paws, staring nervously out of the window. That's not important right now. What is important is that Calon and Sarff are alive.

"What?" I asked, whirling round to face the fox.

The door opened and Piper poked her head in. "Everything alright?" She frowned.

I glanced over to where Anweledig was sat but she had vanished. "Yeah." I nodded, turning back to Piper. "Yeah, everything's fine, just talking to myself."

Piper raised an eyebrow but left, closing the door behind her.

I sighed, turning back to see Anweledig sat back on the bed, her head cocked to one side. "How do you know they're alive? Where are they now?"

Aros spotted them when she was out on lookout. She said there was something wrong with them. They had wounds covering their bodies that were leaking some sort of black liquid and their nature's seemed... off. Someone is tampering with their minds. We don't know who is or why or even how. All we know is that you need to learn how to control your powers fully or we won't stand a chance at ridding Sarff and Calon of whatever is controlling them.

"I'm confused." I frowned.

Anweledig stood and leapt from the bed. I'm talking about your proper powers, not the talking to animals that you tell everyone.

"I can talk to animals." I raised an eyebrow.

Anweledig growled. Anwen, if you keep being afraid of the Wild you will never be able to protect it as Pan once did and if there is no one to protect the Wild then it will become irreparably damaged. There is no life without the Wild, you know this.

I sighed. "Fine. How do I learn to control my powers then?"

Anweledig took a step towards me and sat in front of my legs which were hanging over the side of the bed. In the Wolf House, you caught a glimpse of the power you could possess and it scared you. I need you to let go of that fear.

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