Chapter 1

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I was walking down the street when I heard my friend Leory call my name " Clara , come on the club is open " I jogged over to her and saw she was bringing me into a club when I thought we were going out to dinner " why are we going drinking I thought we were going for dinner "? I said , " because my other friend wanted to try out this club , so I thought you wouldn't mind , they serve food " . I was thinking about heading home but before I could turn around Leory dragged me inside , when I saw what she was wearing in the light I saw she was wearing jeans , a black tank top and her blond hair was up in a messy bun tied back with a claw clip , Leory kept dragging me on till I saw her wave at someone . " hi " Leory said , I just smiled and hoped they wouldn't strike up a conversation but to my luck they did , " so what's your name " asked Leory's friend " Clara , and yours " I asked , " Seanna " I realised that Leorys friend was wearing a long black dress speckled with gold stings, her hair was long and dark brown with little streaks of blonde throughout it , " so what are we gonna get " I asked " I was thinking a few drinks and then we could go around the area popping into pubs " said Leory , " I'm down for that " said Seanna , " ok " I said .as we walked around the street we were all stopped as a group of men came tumbling down towards us obviously drunk , the tallest man made an approach on Leory but she leaned to one side as the man realised what Leory was doing he turned too late and fell face first into the concrete , the other man who was with him started staring at me and Seanna who was obviously uncomfortable by the fact a man had made an approach on her friend in front of her , as the second man stepped forward I saw him reach into his pocket . Quicker than I could react the man jumped at Seanna with a pocket knife in hand , Seanna fell to the ground along with the man but Seanna managed to get up , " Leory come over here you too Clara " as me and Leory gathered around Seanna I saw a blinding beam of light pull from Seannas dress and the next thing I knew there was a giant rock wall between me , Leory , Seanna and the man . " WHAT JUST HAPPENED " I asked , " long story " said Seanna , " wait we NEED an explaination " said Leory . " ok , let's just leave before it wears off " said Seanna ," till what wears off " I asked , " the wall of stone " Seanna said .

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