Chapter 7

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The next morning me , Seanna and Leory set off to find the organisation , Seanna kept walking down alleys and me and Leory could only follow behind as to not get left behind , it had been about an hour since we left off and my feet were throbbing I felt my body start to sag from exhaustion , " can we PLEASE take a break " I asked getting more and more annoyed by the second , " we only have like , 30 mins left now cmon " Seanna replied , " UGHHHH " I grunted . As we kept walking we took one last turn and then Seanna took to a sudden stop in front of a brick wall that was eroded and discoloured with hues of green black and small bits of white mould creeping in on the counters. " we're here " Seanna announced , ne and Leory were hunched over catching our breath " FINALLY " Leory said . Seanna took out here dress covered in golden strings she ripped one off and drew the outline of a door on the wall , then the bricks started dissipating in front of my eyes and then stood before me was a massive hallways leading down at least dove stories and upwards also five stories . Leory stood there still trying to catch her breath not even shaken up by the massive room in front of us , I unlike Leory was at a loss for words and even though I was till drained I wanted to explore EVERYTHING .

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