Chapter 4

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"Let's head out to my garden it's blocked off no one will see us " I said , " ok " said Seanna . Seanna took out her dress from the night before the threads glowed in the sunlight, as Seanna handed me the dress it started to glow more promptly as if wanting to react to my very will , as I picked at the thread a piece flew off and landed in the palm of my hand . " good " Seanna said " it's responding to you  ,  now try and use it " Seanna said , " HOW " I said as I realised what I was doing , one wrong thought or action and I could bury us alive or WORSE , " imagine a small cat in-front of you and trace a relative shape then release " Seanna explained ,  as I waved my hand the thread started to leave a trail instead of panicking I started to draw a rough outline of a cat , when I released the thread a beam of light spread out and before me lay a little grey cat with its ears tucked on the top of its head , " I DID IT " I screamed in excitement, " YEAH " said Seanna " wow " said Leory I'm amazement , " can I keep it ?" Leory asked , " I don't know " said Seanna " I've had very little experience with conjuring living things with the thread , they can be long or short term " Seanna inhaled, " WAIT so this thing might be here FOREVER ?" I said " maybe " said Seanna . The cat started to snuggle up along my leg and I bent down to pick it up , it instantly settled in my arms and started purring . " I'm keeping it if it doesn't fade away " I said " aw " said Leory " I wanted a cat " said Leory . Me Leory and Seanna headed inside my apartment , the cat trailed along . " how long do these things last if they don't fade " I asked " a few hours , why ? " Seanna said , " so I can know if I should make it or not ,  I don't want to get attached if it'll disappear " I said . We all walked back to the couches and slumped ourselves down the cat followed soon and settled in Leorys lap who didn't dare move and inch invade it scared the cat . " do what are we gonna do now ? " I asked "we're gonna see what else you can do " said Seanna intriguingly  .

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