Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning in a daze I slept in my bed while I found Leory and Seanna slept on my couches , Seanna lay peacefully while Leory was half on half off the couch snoring AS LOUD as physically possible . When I entered the room Seanna stirred and woke , when she opened her eyes she focused on me and then realised where she was . " was everything that happened last night real " Seanna asked , " yeah , the fight with the men and you telling me your a weaver and I might be one too " I said . Leory heard us talking and jumped up from the couch dreary eyed , " hi * yawn * " Leory said groggily . I walked over to the kitchen and started making myself a coffee , " do either of you want tea or coffee " I asked , " no " Leory said , " I'll take a black coffee " said Seanna . As I made me and Seannas coffee I was thinking about what had happened and what we were going to do about it . I brought Seanna her black coffee steeping hot , she grabbed it by the handle firmly and I hesitated at the thought she might burn her hand but she looked as if she took comfort in it so I let her be . " so , what are we gonna do about this whole 'weaver' situation " I asked , " I don't know " said Seanna " the last time I met a weaver outside of the organisation was a LONG time ago and it didn't end well " , Seanna started picking at her nails again so I didn't want to push her for details . I sat down waiting for someone to speak up but we just sat in utter silence as we all looked blankly at the floor , I decided to speak up " what's the orginization ?" I asked to Seanna as Leory watched in awe , " it's a group of organised weavers group who have chosen one side to the powers that we have " Seanna explained , " what's the other side ? " I asked , " instead of a magic thread to weave reality some weavers chose to use their powers to weave dark matter the VERY absence of life but it goes deeper than logic it holds and archaic evil going back to the creation of existence " Seanna said . It took me a moment to take in that information , I didn't know what I was or what I was getting myself into by digging deeper but all I could do now was to keep going and see where it took me , I let desire get the better of me , " so , how ARE we gonna test this 'weaver' thing ? " I said , " I'm gonna introduce you to the thread and see how you and it reacts " Seanna said .

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