Chapter 6

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As I inspected the wound I realised it was deteriorating the flesh down to the bone and it was doing a REALLY fast job at it . " what do I do " I asked Seanna Leory still sat on the couch slowly absorbing what had happened to her friends ankle , " get my dress " Seanna said , " why " Leory said , " JUST DO IT " Seanna said but I could see a tear starting to form in her eye . Leory ran to the other couch grabbed the dress and threw it at me , " what do I do now " I asked " your gonna have to weave my wound back together " Seanna said looking dead serious " HOW " I said , " take the thread off the dress and try to make a stitching noting above my wound it should either heal it or bandage it " Seanna said looking reassuringly at me , " ok? " I said full of doubt . I started to grab the string which bent to my will and became the glowing string I knew , I started to make a back and forth motion over the wound , the thread started going in and out of the wound , Seanna grunted in a mild pain , I kept going then after I was done with it I released the sting and it bound the wound together , soon the wound had completely closed over and Seanna sat up . " thanks " Seanna said " no problem " I said sarcastically . We all just sat there and then we all headed to the kitchen , Seanna made a symbol with her hands towards the door and soon I heard a high pitch screech and I knew whatever was in the kitchen was LONG GONE . Me Seanna and Leory stepped into the kitchen . " we're gonna have to go to the organisation, to first of all get you registered and to put you under protection from them " Seanna said " when are we leaving " I said not even having a second thought

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