Chapter 8

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When we all stepped into the massive hall I realised a little creature hugging to my legs , it was the cat I weaved earlier , " still around I see " Seanna said . When someone recoginsed Seanna an elderly woman walked over "hello Seanna , may I ask who are these young ladies who are with you " " of course Agatha this is Leory and Clara , and I want to get Clara here registered she's a weaver but Leory is a friend of ours so she's just here mostly for moral support " Seanna said " HEY " Leory said whilst kicking Seanna in the shins , " ENOUGH " Agatha said in a stern voice , " ehmm anyways deary follow me " as Agatha led me through the halls we came to a small office at the right wall , on the door it said Agatha Willows . When I walked in I realised all of the greenery , snake plants , Venus flytraps , orchids you name it nearly every plant I could name was in this room . " have a seat and I'll get the paperwork ready " Agatha took out a pice of paper and pulled a piece of string from thing air the drew a signature above the paper and a full document was written up in a matter of seconds . " WOW that was quick " I said still starring at the new ink on the paper , " I've had a lot of time to practice deary now come come you have to sign up so we can register you " , I signed the paperwork and as soon as I was done Agatha rolled it up , tied it up with a golden string and it vanished . " all done deary you can head back to Seanna and Leory now . " thanks Agatha " I said " oh dear no need for that call me Aggie " .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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