Chapter 2

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As we walked away from the wall Seanna started to explain , " I am a weaver " said Seanna , " a what " said me and Leory in unison ,"a weaver , a person who can bend reality or physical forms for a period of time " said Seanna as she took a breath to continue " those golden threads on my dress were made from a string of magic I can use to bend reality which is how I created that wall " Seanna took a pause to see how we would react but both me and Leory were shocked at what we had just heard ," YOU CAN BEND WHAT " I screamed ," I get it's weird but I have a feeling you might have this ablility too , when I was casting the spell I saw that the string bent it's way towards you as if it were trying to be used BY you " said Seanna " wait you think I can do that " I said " yes " said Seanna . We walked in silence for the next while till we reached my house , a little apartment in New York , we all stepped inside . We all sat down on the couch then Leory spoke " soo are we gonna talk about WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED " , " I was hoping no " said Seanna , " look it's a whole lot of detail with I REALLY didn't want to have to reveal any time soon " , " well that's too bad cause now I need to know what the hell I might be and how to figure out if I'm a weaver " I said . Seanna started picking at her nail beds and I could see they were tattered from her picking at them " *sigh* so I was thinking of trying to see if you can bend reality by using one of my strings from my dress " , " are you sure you want me to try I don't even know the first thing about using it or what to do after I've started " I said , Leory sat watching to see what would happen , " I was gonna guide you OBVIOUSLY I don't want you warping one of us into nothing " Seanna said " I CAN DO THAT " I said " maybe it depends if you CAN bend reality " said Seanna , " ok " I said .

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