Chapter 5

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Seanna me and Leory stood by the couch as the new cat swirled in and around our legs purring as it started prancing towards me , " so what are we gonna do with the cat now ? " I asked , " KEEP IT " Leory said faster than my brain could register , " we're gonna have to , if someone finds a random cat on the street and it disappears out of nowhere they're gonna catch on that somethings weird " said Seanna . We all looked at each other and our new furry friend , the cat rested itself under my legs and fell asleep , " should we name it ? " I asked allowed , " if you want to " said Seanna " why can't i ? " Leory asked . " CAUSE CLARA MADE IT " Seanna said as if it was obvious to Leory . " I wanna name it stormy " I said cause I'd been thinking of a name since I made the little fella . We all looked at the cat purring at my feet as it fell deeper into its sleep . Seanna had a new iced coffee in her hand and I could tell it was an iced black because of the condensation on the outside of the glass . I went toward the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea forgetting to ask Leory but by the time I was there something caught my eye , a small black dot in the corner in the room , it moved as if it was alive , " SEANNA GET IN HERE , NOW " I shouted , "what?" Seanna said coffee still in hand , " WHATS THAT " I screamed getting more concerned as it straightened itself and it started to move . " oh no " Seanna said staring at the blob , " what is it " I asked curious of why Seanna looked both interested and terrified at the same time . Me and Seanna both started to back towards the door as soon as I realised Seanna was heading for it . But as soon as we reached the door the blob lashed out and hit Seanna at the ankle , I looked down at Seanna ankle and I could see a small trail of steam rising from it , " shit " Seanna said , " AHH , what did it do to you " I said extremely concerned. " they know we're here " Seanna said in pain with small grunts , " WHO " I said " you know how I told you some weavers chose to weave dark matter , well they've found out your one and they've sent that to get or kill us " Seanna explained not even merely shocked . I dragged Seanna out of the kitchen and slammed the door I dragged her onto the couch and started inspecting the wound .

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