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"Look i want us to break up. I don't love you anymore bianca , im sorry. That is want he told me and I don't understand why Kira , i don't "
I never cried that hard in my life . Today it was our 6 months anniversary with my boyfriend Andrés .

"Oh my good what a bitch . Im so sorry for you babe. I swear to god if i see him i will beat the shit out of him . He's such a jerk "

"I know . But i loved him Kira I really did and i still do . Hope dad won't get mad , he always told me that Andrés isn't a good person. I should've listen to him."

— — — — — — — —

"Hija you know it's been a while since you last came to watch the boys. Don't you think that you should come today? Plus we have new players from la masia you should meet them " idk why dad keeps telling me to come to their training. I mean I don't have a problem with it but since i just broke up with my boyfriend I don't know if i want to go.

"Yeah i will come , just if Kira can come too"
"Of course she can come. Now go get dressed we need to leave "

I started to yet ready and remembered that I should call kira .
"Hey Kiraa"
"Hey biaa hru? You better?"
"Not really but anyways do you want to come at training. Dad keeps asking me to come and i said yes and i thought if you would like to come"
"Ohh... I can't today im sorry maybe tomorrow."
"They have a match tomorrow you can come if you want"
"Okk love you bye"

— — — — — —
I arrived with at the stadium and started to search for my seat . Suddenly I heard my dad telling me to come meet some new players

"Bianca I want you to meet my boys . Lamine,Hector ,Cubarsi ,Marc come here i want to introduce you to my daughter."

"Hola Xavi" all of them said

"Ok so she is Bianca my daughter. Bianca he is Lamine, he is Hector , he is Cubarsi and he is Marc . "

"Hola Bianca, Hector nice to meet you "
he said as I shook hands with him

"Cubarsi nice to meet you" "Marc nice to meet you Bianca" they said as i shook hands with both of them

I looked at the other boy and he gave me a dead look

"Lamine" he said rolling his eyes

Ok the heck is wrong with him?? Anyways

"Boys now go back to training tomorrow we have a big game don't forget "

"Bianca you can come with me on the pitch or you can go in the stands . In the stands is probably mikkey Frankie's wife . You can go and meet her "

"Ok papa im going. "
I said walking to the stands looking for mikkey

"Heyy"mikkey said back "Aren't you Xavi's daughter?Bianca right?"
"Yeah I am and you are Mikkey."
"You got it. Oh and he is Miles my son."
"Awwww he is so cute. He looks like you"
"Thanks. Oh look Anna is coming."
"She is Lewa's wife right?"

I chatted with the girls until Anna pulled me away . A ball flew in front of me, I looked at the pitch and see lamine saying something. I looked at anna and thanked her

"I think he tells uou to give them the ball back " Anna said
"He can come and get it . He was about the kill me. Anyway I'm giving him the ball." I said standing up and walk to the pitch.

"Here take it back" i said handing him the ball
"Thanks. Oh and sorry for that I didn't want to hit you ."
"No problem." Wow I didn't expect that from him

I said going back in the stands.

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Heyyy guys i hope you like this book because this si my first one . If you see any mistake please tell me (English is not my first language just to know😭"

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now