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After a few minutes I decided to go in the pool.
As I took my dress off showing my black bikini I notice everyone looking at me. Just then I feel a strong arm around my waist, I turn around facing Lamine. We are a few inches away from each other now. He started looking at my lips like he wanted to kiss me. I wanted to step back but he wouldn't let me. We just look at each other with now both of his hands on my waist.

"Bitch take your hand off my boyfriend." I've heard a girl yelling at me in turn around just to see her running towards me.
"What the—"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing. Do you not know that he has a girlfriend." Girlfriend? What
"No I—"
"Anna stop this. I told you to leave me alone get over it. I don't like you anymore. "
"No No. You love me you just don't want to admit it."
"I think I'm leaving."
"Yeah leave and let my boyfriend alone you ugly bitch. "
"How did you just called me."
"Girls stop. Bianca you're coming with me. Please."
"Excuse me. You're choosing her over me. You know what ok I didn't even like you. "
"Ok I don't care. "

He took me inside of his house in the kitchen.

"What the fuck. Who the hell is her?"
"She's my ex. I broke up with her like a year ago and every time she sees me talking to a girl she does this. I'm so sorry for how she called you."
"It's ok you didn't do anything wrong."
"You still want to go back?"
"Yeah I don't want to let her ruin your party. Let's go."
"Sure let's go. "

We jumped in the pool and started splashing water at each other. After a few hours people started leaving so I told lamine I'm leaving.
"C'mon stay a little longer."
"Ok fine but I'm call mom to tell her I'm going to one of my friend's house."
"Good. You can go in my room i'll be right back."

I walked upstairs trying to find his room. I heard some people talking. I think it's Pau , Hector and Marc.
"The past two weeks he only talked about her and the date."
"He really likes her. He never talked about a girl like that. And i know him since we were kids I'm a 100% sure he loves her."

I knocked on the door interrupting their conversation and I opened the door. I chatted with them for a while until Lamine came in his room. We all played video games together until 2am so they started going home but I couldn't give home because I already told my mom I'm staying at my friends and they are probably all asleep so I will try to call sira and ask her if I can stay over.

"I should call sira and ask if i can stay over." I told Lamine
"Why you can stay here i have a bedroom where you can sleep. Only if you want of course. "
"I'll see. First i will call sira and see if she is awake if she isn't i will stay over if it's not a problem. "
"Ok then call her and see."
I called sira two times and she didn't respond so i walked in Lamine's room to tell him im staying overnight. I opened the door to see him shirtless laying in the bed.

"She didn't pick up. Guess I'm staying here."
"Ok but just to know the guest room is locked and I don't know where is the key. So you can sleep here in my room. "
"And where are you going to sleep?"
"Idk on the sofa? Where else?"
"We can sleep together I don't mind it."
"You sure?"
He gave me one of his t-shirts and shorts to change. We both lay on the bed and watch Netflix. He eventually fell asleep with his head my shoulder. But I couldn't sleep , I only thought about what Cubarsí said today. Does he really love me like 100%? When I started falling asleep I've heard a notification. I checked my phone but it wasn't mine, this means it's Lamine's  phone. I thought a second if I should stay curious or if i should check it.

"You need to tell her." He needs to tell who and what te tell them??

Ya'll Im sorry for not posting and ikik this chapter is short asf😭😭 im trying to write more but i have no ideas. If you have any ideas please let me know🙏🏼💗

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now