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I woke up at 9am pretty late but it's weekend and I don't have anything planned today. I did my morning routine and walk downstairs to get my dog Bella for a walk. She is a cute baby golden retriever.
I left the house to walk her in my neighbourhood but I decided to take a coffee and something to eat.

I figured out how to escape from some fans because I wasn't in the mood for pictures and autographs right now. I entered the cafe where I saw the person that annoys me the most.


Why? From all this people why him. I ordered my coffee and a croissant and sat at a random table.

"Hola amiga how are you?"
"Im good I took my dog for a walk. You good?"
"Yeah im out with some friends."
"About friends. Do you know this girl Kira? I saw you too out a few times."
"I know her she was my best friend until she left and blocked me everywhere. Why do you ask?"
"Oh that's sad well she is my ex. Anyway i need to go bye."
"Byee, see you soon."
Weird. She never told me about them being together. But it doesn't matter now we ain't friends anymore so why would I care.

~later that day~

I've got a notification from instagram that someone started following me. I opened the app and see that lamine followed me messaged me.


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"Hola. I want to ask you something really important is about Kira."

"Hii, what is it?"

"You said that she left you and blocked you every where,right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Remember i told you that she is my ex . I broke up with her because I found out that she pretends to be friends with people and then she tells them if they can give her some money and she leaves the country and blocks them she wanted to do this with me too but I broke up with her."
omg what the fuck is wrong with that girl why would she do this . That's weird.

"Wtf why would she do that?"

"I don't know but I wanted to tell you because i saw how sad you were when you told me about this. And I'm sorry for how I acted when Xavi introduced us. I thought that you will tell her about me yk like she was that crazy ex but im happy that she left."

"Oh no problem it's ok i understand."

"Maybe if you want i can take you tonight so i can make it up to you?"

"Yeah sure at 8 its ok?"

"Yeah I'll pick you up at 8. Byee😉"


Umm he literally asked me out tf

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Umm he literally asked me out tf

I told you he likes you

I don't think. He just wants to say sorry for being a bitch. Ik it's not the first time he does it he did it multiple times and he's maybe sorry

Bianca i know him better than anyone HE LIKES YOU and that's it

If he would he would've told you . You two are like brothers from different moms.

He would never tell me anything but i know it trust me.

Anyway I need to get ready it's already 7pm and he'll come at 8 so i need to start getting ready.

Getting ready for you first date😉

it's not a date we just hang out like friends nothing more.

Yeah . Friends 😂

— — — — —

I decided to wear a black dress with my ysl shoes . I did my makeup and straight my hair. I was at a step away to burn my hair but i finally did it.

 I was at a step away to burn my hair but i finally did it

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(The dress🥰🥰)

— — — — —
Lamine's pov

I arrived with the uber at her house because I've been at xavi's house a few times but she wasn't there. I texted her that im outside and waited for her to come out.
I looked at her , she is so beautiful . That black dress looks amazing on her and her beautiful brown eyes the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Heyy you good."
"Yeah i just zoomed out. You look good."
"Thank . You look good too."

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down at the table that I reserved. I took the table with the most beautiful view of the city.

— — — — —
Bianca's pov

I've got a text from lamine that he is outside. I left the house and saw him, his beautiful smile . Fuck why does he look so beautiful. NO WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. I don't like him he is not even good looking.

"Hey you good"
"Yeah i just zoomed out. You look good."
"Thank . You look good too."

We arrived at my favourite restaurant in the city it has the most amazing views and food of course but the view from her is so beautiful .

We decided to order their best pizza apparently we both love this restaurant and the pizza that they have here.

"I'm still not over what you said about Kira. I never thought about someone doing this."
"I know it's hard I couldn't believe it to."
"She didn't even told me that you two were dating or anything about you."
"Well she told me about you a lot of things."
"And what exactly did she tell you about me?"
"A lot of bad things about you and that's why I didn't want to talk to you but now I realise that i did a mistake. You're not like what she told me."
"Oh well that's good to hear that you don't believe her. Anyway I don't know to talk about her anymore. So when is the next match?"
"Next week on Friday. But I don't think I will play."
"Why? Last time you played super good I don't see why you won't play."
"Well that's a little stupid. I have a exam next week on Friday and that's why I don't think I'll be able to play maybe i'll stay with you in the stands."
"Okkk smart boy I'll come for you."
"For me ? Wow i feel honoured."
"Haha yeah. I don't want to be rude but why exactly did you take me out. I mean I don't think that you wanted it just so I could forgive you I wasn't even mad at you."
— — — — —
Short chapter but what do ya'll think about this "date" . Anyway im trying to write more but i don't really have much time for it but im doing my best🥰

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now