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"What do you mean. I already told you , I'm really sorry and i want you to forgive me.Nothing more."
"Okok i was joking. Anyway do you want to go I don't know in the park or something."
"Yeah sure let's go."

We are currently in the middle of the park AND IM FUCKING HOLDING HANDS WITH LAMINE. OMFG I THINK THAT I MIGHT PASS OUT RN. We walked around the park for a dew minutes and chatted. I never think about a man being that perfect. Omg no way im falling for Yamal but he is so kind and beautiful how can i not fall for him when he is so perfect. We sat on a bench and omfg he is holding my waist now . No this guy has me passing out. I think im in haven.

He is just the perfect man . His smile. His laugh. His jokes. His eyes. His kindness. His love for kids and football. His hair. His face. His arms. His everything it's just perfect.

"So what are your plans for this week?"
"I don't really have. I will probably go out with Sira."
"Sira Martinez?"
"Yeah you know her?"
"Kind of. She is ferrans ex-girlfriend."
"I didn't know."
"Yeah me neither I just find out i few days ago when Fer told me about you two hanging out."
"Okk so you guys were talking about me."
"N-nono he was like uhmm telling me we weren't talking about you."
"Yeah sure. I wish some of ya'll were talking about me especially hector or marc they are so-"
"Good looking ikik. But what do you think about me or Cubarsi? What we are not good looking?"
"Well Cubarsi is kind of idk cute . And you."
"And meet." Gosh i wish i could tell him how beautiful he is more beautiful than marc and hector.
"You're looking decently."
"Decently. Just decent. Other girls wouldn't say that ." I laughed
"Well guess what I'm not other girls so be happy that i said decent I could've said worse." that made him laugh oh god this beautiful laught
"Ok you know what I don't even want to know anymore. We should go it's pretty late and i have training tomorrow."
"Yes we should go."

— — — — —
I arrived home to see my dad on the couch. I thought that he is sleeping at this hour.

"Bianca where were you? Why didn't you tell me you're going out." Shit I forgot to tell dad. But I couldn't tell him I'm going out with one of his boys.
"I was out with a friend. We were at a restaurant."
"You sure? With what friend were you?" Fuck what should I say.
"Honey you came home . Come here tell me about your night out with your new friend."
"Ok im coming." Mom always knows how to take me out of trouble
"So were you out with sira?" I meet sira a few days ago at someones birthday
"Yeah I was with Sira. I forgot to tell you sorry."
"No problem I told your dad and he was ok with it. If you were with a boy he would be mad at you . You know ow that."
"Yeah yeah i know. I'm going in my room to change . Good night mom."


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So how was your date?🤭

For the 10th time ITS

Ok ok ms angry. So how
was your night?

It was good nothing really
interesting happened.

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now