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I woke up feeling like shit . My head hurts,my stomach hurts I don't know why. I brushed my teeth , wash my face and put my hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hola señorita ,how are you?"
"Im not feeling good mom. My head and stomach hurts."
"Oh no problem i'll give you a pill but first you need to eat something. I made you pancakes your favourites."
"Thanks mom i love you."

I literally just ate the most delicious pancakes ever and i feel better now just my head hurts a bit more. I've received a message from dad that says
"Hey Bianca I want to make sure you are coming today we have a really important match this weekend and we really need support. And the boys want to see you again😉" i replied with "Ok im coming". I chose to wear flared jeans with a white top and my air forces and a jacket because it's pretty cold outside.

I arrived at the stadium and walk to my dad's office to let some documents that he forgot at home.

Before i could enter the office I felt two arms around my waist. I turned around to see Lamine standing in front of me with a smile on his face.

"Oh hey Lamine."
"Heyy I didn't know you will be here today."he says wrapping his arms around me
"Well me either I didn't feel good this morning but now I'm better. How are you?"
"Well i just arrived . Wanna come and see me working?"
"Yeah sure in a minute I'll be there I just need to give my dad something. "
"Ok.I was wondering if you want to go out tonight. I'm hanging with some friends at my house and maybe if you want to come ."
"Yeah sure i'll come. Just send me your address and I'll be there."
"Ok can't wait to see you." he said winking at me and leaving

"Hi dad I have the papers you were asking for. "
"Oh thank you for bringing them here. I really needed them."
"Okay dad . Umm can i ask you something?"
"Yeah sure what is it?"
"Would you let me go out tonight I'm hanging with some friends and lamine will be there."
"Yes i will let you just if you promise me that you won't drink or do anything stupid ok. If anything happens I'll tell Yamal to call me and pick you up."
"Ok dad I promise I won't do anything stupid."
"Good now you can go I'll be there in a minute."

I walked in the pitch where they were training and I spotted Yamal shirtless showing his abs.
Him and other boys waved at me so i walk towards them.

"Hola Bianca, happy to see you again." Hector said
"Hi." I said looking only at Lamine
"So are you coming tonight?"he asked
"Uhmm yeah im coming."
"Ok great. Then i'll see you at 6pm is that ok?"
"Sure it's good. So how's the training going?"
"Pretty good but it's exhausting. I'm all sweaty and sticky, I'll take a shower and i'm back ok."
I started talking to some guys about the champions league next week I wish they beat Psg.
As I walk past the bathroom door i hear Lamine and Hector talking about a girl.

"C'mon Lamine it's too obvious you like her and you can't even lie about it. I mean the way you look at her and the way you talk to her man it's so obvious. "
"Is really that hard to understand when i say that I don't like her?" I'm curious about who are they talking
"You're lying. When you lie you smile and you smiled."
"No I didn't. "
"Yes you did."
"Ok i did it i lie. I like her. Just please don't tell anyone especially her."
"I won't tell anyone anything. I promise, now we should go or xavi will be mad."
"Ok let's go." Ohhh i need to go so they don't suspect that I've heard them.
So i need to know who were they talking about not like i care so much but yk I kinda wish it's me.
I arrived home and lay in my bed thinking about what happened today does he really like me.

Guess I will find out tonight.

I received a text from Lamine with the address of his house and telling me to get a swimsuit for the pool. Ok so now i need to find something to wear.
I took a black swimsuit and a black dress over it.
I arrived at the destination so i called Lamine because i couldn't find his house.

"Hi sorry I'm late I couldn't find my phone."
"Hey , no problem I understand. Now come here, so Pablo,Hector,Marc and Cubarsi are right there and if you need something you can come to the pool you'll find me there."he says while grabbing my waist.
"Ok I'll go and say hi to them and I'll probably come with you in the pool."

I greeted the boys and started talking to them. Hector and Marc kept making jokes about me and Yamal liking each other thing that it's not true. After a few minutes I decided to go in the pool.

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now