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I woke up at 9am by my little brother Dan jumping on my bed

"Biaaa Biaaa wake upp"
"Dan what do you want ?"
"Can you make me breakfast?? Mom and dad are not home now amd im hungry."
"Ok go and wake Asia up to eat."

After they ate breakfast I started doing my workout in my bedroom when i get a call from Kira.

"Heyy Kiraa"
"Hey Bia... i need to tell you something it's really important."
"Oh well what is it?"
"Can we meet at the cafe at 11am"
"Ok i'll be there"
"Okay byee"
"Bye love you Kir"

Weird why didn't she told me now anyway I need to get ready because it's 10am and i need to leave in a few minutes.
I did my skincare routine and I started to choose an outfit. I wore a black top wiyh some baggy jeans and white air forces and no makeup.

— — — — —

I arrived at the cafe where i saw Kira with a boy at a table.
"Hola Kira."
"Hey . Bianca i want to introduce you to my new boyfriend Nico."
"Nice to meet you Nico , Im Bianca."I said shooking hand with him
"Nice to meet you too"
"So Kira what did uou wanted to tell me ?"
"I don't know how to say it ... I'm leaving Spain and I'm moving in Poland with Nico and his family..."
"what? No you're joking right? Kira tell me this is a joke" I can't believe she is leaving it must be a joke it can't be true.
"I'm being serious Bianca I'm leaving today I don't want to leave you but i need to go for my studies also."I started crying I don't want her to leave. Now that she is leaving i will have no one.

— — — — —
After I spend a few hours with Kira and her boyfriend Nico I came home to get ready for the match. I wore a white top and gray sweatpants with the Air Jordan 4 Retro Military black. Pretty basic but comfy.

I'm still in shock after what Kira told me. I don't want her to leave but it's for her studies and I wish the best for her . I called an Uber to drop me off at the stadium.

I needed a jersey to wear so I should have a look at the store outside the stadium. I found a little stand since the store is in renovation and they only had dembele and Yamal shirts left . And I'm definitely not taking the Dembele one so i bought the yamal one .

I will regret this so much.

I entered the stadium and go to the bathroom to change when i saw Cubarsi. I waved at him and smiled.

"Oh hey I didn't saw you . How are you?"
"Im good , I've just bought a jersey because how I told you I really didn't have one."
"Ohh cool how's jersey is it?"
"I wished it was with Messi but it's Lamine's"
"Wow what happened to I'll rather wear a trash bag than his jersey?" He said laughing.
"They only had Lamine's and Dembele's jerseys so i had no choice. Anyway im going to change."
"Okk bye"

After I changed I started looking for my seat. The match started and Barça almost scored a goal but Ferran missed. The first half ended 0-1 for Girona but we still have a chance to win. In the second half Lewandoski scored a goal , Pedri passed the ball to Lamine AND HE SCORED A BEAUTIFUL GOAL. The match ended 2-1 for Barcelona.I ran to my dad to congratulate him for the win.

"Dad i'm so happy for the win today."
"Thanks sweetheart but you should thank the boys not me I didn't play."he said laughing
"Yes you're right I should go to congrats them. I'll be right back to go home."

"Hola Bianca." I turned back to see Lamine looking at me
"Oh Hi . I wanted to come an-"
"And congrats me of course "
"Yeah exactly. You scored an amazing goal and played super good."
"Look how it is . Hi bianca." Hector says while fixing his hair . Damnn this boy is so hot I can't.
"Heyy. Hwo are you?"I smiled
"Pretty good. I see that you to start getting along now."
"No." Lamine said . Tf is wrong with him ??
"Yeah No . I should leave now mu dad is waiting. Bye boys."

— — — — —
I finally arrived home I'm so tired and sad . I still can't get over the fact that Kira is literally leaving me.
I wanted to text her but she blocked my number . I checked every social app and she blocked me every where. Wtf is wrong with her ? She leaves and now randomly decides to block me . I thought that we are best friends even tho we meet like a year ago. I don't understand. First Andréas and now her. This can't get worse...

"Mom guess what"
"What happened sweatie?"
"Kira literally blocked me. First she is leaving spain and now she blocked me. Why is wrong with her."
"Bia I really don't know what to say. Maybe her boyfriend told her too."
"I don't think so. Even if he told her i know she would do this."
"People change and remember when i told you that I don't like thai girl . I told you ."
"Yeah yeah you did . Anyway I'm going to sleep."
"Ok good night honey"
"Good night mom love you."

— — — — —

I woke up in the middle of the night with a message from Cubatsi on instagram.

"Have you seen the news?""What news??""They say that you and Lamine are in a relationship😂😂""WHAT

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"Have you seen the news?"
"What news??"
"They say that you and Lamine are in a relationship😂😂"
"Idk but it's now that a big of a deal. You two can simply say that the rumours are not true. Or they are true 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂"
"Tf no he hates me."
"And you don't. You never said that you hate him."he is right about that, I don't hate him he is just a bit annoying.
"Yeah you're right. I don't hate him he just annoys me."
"Can i be honest with you. I think he likes you. I mean he behaves very strangely with you and he si not like that usually."
"Nuh uh. Never. If he would like me, he wouldn't be like that. "
"I don't know if just said what I told you what I thought. I'll ask him."
"Calma i know what I'm doing."

— — — — —
Help i start school in like 2 hours and i don't know what to wear 😭😭 anyway what do you think about this chapter il it's boring but next chapter will be more entertaining ✨✨

Number 27| lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now