Chapter 2

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The Moon As Our Witness

Placing the empty plates in the sink, Karina groggily walked over to the couch where Winter was lying on before slumping down on her.

"How was your day, unnie?" Winter asked, pulling the blanket on the couch over both of them.

"Tiring." Karina groaned, the literature class coming to her mind. "The professor kept going on and on about some classic novels. Hamlet or something"

"Shakespeare's a nice man" Winter mumbled, resting her palms on Karina's waist.

Karina raised her head hearing what Winter said before looking at her in question.

"What the fuck. Don't tell me you've met him before"

"Hmm well......" Winter meshed her lips together as she pretended to think, breaking out in a giggle soon after seeing Karina's face scrunched up in disbelief "I'm kidding. He passed away way before I was born unnie"

Karina flicked Winter's forehead for messing with her, a pout on her face. Placing her head back into Winter's chest, she could feel the vibrations from the girl's laughing body.

"I hate you" Karina mumbled, although she refused to move away from Winter.

"Love you too unnie"

Karina slipped her hands under Winter as she laid flush against the vampire.

"Why do you call me 'unnie' when you're over 300 years old?"

"312 to be exact"

"Exactly my point. I know you got turned when you were nineteen but my point still stands. You're like 280 years older than me"

"289" Winter corrected with a grin on her face.

"Don't be a smart ass with me Kim Winter" Karina jokingly refuted with a frown before chuckling slightly.

"You love me for that"

"You're not wrong" Karina smiled fondly as she spoke, her breath tingling Winter's neck slightly.

Moving up, Karina looked into Winter's red orbs affectionately before cupping the girl's cheeks with her hands.

"You beautiful thing" Karina crooned with a lovestruck grin on her face "Who'd think you're 312 years old? Even getting yourself a gorgeous girlfriend"

Winter scoffed hearing Karina compliment herself even though she knew the girl wasn't wrong at all.

Gasping loudly, Winter faux a shocked look.

"Wait, Are you trying to say that I'm a-?"

Karina laughed out loud at the brunette's words, slightly shaking her head and leaning down to kiss her girlfriend's cheekbone.

The place where the dimples Karina absolutely loved showed whenever she laughed.

"I love you, Win" Karina whispered as if they weren't the only ones in the apartment. Her words were slurry with sleep but that didn't make them sound any less sweeter.

"I love you too" Winter replied in the same way before gently pulling Karina down by her collar to lock their lips together.


Winter and Karina had met three years ago, in the latter's first year of university.

Being a university freshman came with a lot of load. Tution, rent and all that. Karina wasn't an exception.

And that was exactly why Karina decided to take a year off after the first year.

"See you tomorrow" Karina bowed as she exited her part-time job at a barbecue place.

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now