Chapter 8

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"Where is it?" Karina mumbled under her breath as she gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

The girl had recently got her license and wanted to pick her girlfriend up from work. Driving carefully through the traffic and avoiding any obstacles, Karina was looking for the studio where Winter was having her photoshoot.

"Oh here is it" Karina muttered with a grin as she found the place.

Parking the car, which she successfully did after a few (many) tries, Karina exited the vehicle before locking it.

She sent Winter a message to inform her of her arrival as she walked to a nearby cafe to wait for her.

Karina received a 'okay i'll be there soon' with a heart from her girlfriend, making her smile from ear to ear.

Ordering a mango yogurt smoothie, she was slowly sipping on it while scrolling through her phone when someone sat on the chair in front of her.

"Hey there, pretty lady. Can I have your number?"

Chuckling slightly, Karina placed her drink back down on the table before leaning in.

"I don't know..... My girlfriend wouldn't like that"

"It's unfortunate that you have a girlfriend. I was about to ask for your number" The voice replied with an amused glint.

"Oh my god let's stop this role play now Kim Winter" Karina laughed, cringing internally at Winter's attempt to flirt with her "How was work?"

"So-so just the usual" Winter replied before looking around "Where's the car?"

Karina grinned childishly as she dangled the key in front of Winter.

"It's not far from here"

"Please tell me I'm not going to die riding your car"

"Don't you trust me?" Karina pouted as she feigned hurt before rolling her eyes "Also you're technically immortal"

Despite those words coming out of her own mouth, Karina felt something pierce her heart.

Winter was immortal. She might forget about her one day.

Shrugging the thought off, Karina smiled before standing up and pulling Winter out of the cafe.

"Let's go home"


It was a rainy evening. Raindrops splattering against the window made soft rhythms, almost like a beat to a tune.

Karina had classes that day and would be coming late. Stirring the pot of fried rice, Winter looked out of the window in worry.

"Should I go fetch her? It's raining pretty heavy" Winter thought to herself.

Before she could act on her thoughts, the door to their apartment squeaked open.

"Oh yo-" Winter stopped in her tracks when she saw the state Karina was in "Unnie you're gonna catch a cold"

The university student had come back home all drenched from head to toe. Her bangs stuck to her forehead and a puddle was forming on the floor as water dripped down from her clothes.

Winter immediately went over to get a towel before heading over to her girlfriend, who now looked like a wet kitten.

"Win I'm fi-" Karina assured the vampire yet she couldn't complete her sentence when she suddenly sneezed "AH CHOO"

Winter raised an eyebrow at Karina's action as she crossed her arms.

"You were saying?"

Karina could only smile sheepishly as she scratched her head as her attempt to not make her girlfriend worry about her well-being failed.

"I'll make something warm so go take a warm bath okay?" Winter cooed softly as she wiped Karina's hair with the towel.


"But what?"

Karina looked up to Winter with puppy eyes that she knew Winter wouldn't be able to resist.

"I want kisses"

"You'll get them after you shower"

"Nooo I want them now" Karina whined as she shook her shoulders and pouted "Now"

Winter chuckled at her girlfriend's antics before leaning in slowly.

"Okay you big baby" She said before placing her lips on Karina's.


After taking a shower, Karina came out to the kitchen wearing one of Winter's white hoodies which were oversized on her.

Her cheeks were red and she was sniffling as she looked like she was in a daze.

It was not a lie to say that all she felt was slightly dizzy and wanted to sleep.

Doing the first thing that came to mind, she scanned the kitchen for her Winter through eyes which looked like they were about to close any moment.

After spotting Winter who was making a bowl of soup, Karina groggily walked over to the girl before engulfing her in a hug from the back.

"How are you feeling baby?" Winter asked as she felt arms wrap around her waist and a head leaning against her back.


"Wait for a while hmm? The soup's done" Winter said softly as she turned off the stove and turned around and oh-

She came face-to-face with the most adorable sight she had ever seen. Karina's face was slightly flushed in red due to the heat and the hoodie she was wearing made her look smaller than she already was.

"This is not good for my heart oh my god" Winter mentally spoke in her mind as she saw her girlfriend clinging onto her.

"Umm R-Rina? Can you move for a bit? I need to go get the bowl"

The only thing she got in reply was a whine and a tighter hug.

"Don't want to" Karina's voice was muffled as the girl had her face buried in Winter's chest.

Winter softly brought her hands up and cupped Karina's cheeks to turn her face up.

A tiny pout was present on her face while her eyelids looked heavy.

"Baby.... You look like you have a fever" Winter pressed a kiss to the shorter girl's forehead "Be a good girl and wait for me at the table?"

Winter saw the way Karina's eyebrows got together in a frown. She could tell that her girlfriend was having an inner battle whether to listen or to continue hugging her.

"Carry me" Karina whispered as she spread her arms wide.

Giggling slightly at the action, Winter smiled softly as she lifted the girl, who immediately wrapped her legs around her waist, and went over to the table.

She carefully placed her down onto the chair before pressing a long peck to her cheek. Winter pulled up the hood of the hoodie to cover Karina's head and wow......... She thought she was going to die of cuteness overload at seeing Karina.

As Winter went to the kitchen again to place the soup in a bowl, she knew it was going to be a long night taking care of Karina.

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now