Chapter 7

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Bite A Neck

Winter's order had finally arrived and the girl could finally stop sucking Karina's blood every single day.

Although Karina would deny it whenever Winter brought it up, she could clearly see that Karina's energy was drained whenever she took her blood.

And that made Winter feel guilty.

In order to make up with her girlfriend, Winter came home early from work and bought tubs of chocolate ice cream for the older girl.

But then again, the girl would look so happy whenever she ate ice-cream and Karina being happy was all Winter cared about.

Winter chuckled at the image of Karina beaming so brightly in her head before inserting the key and opening the door to their home.

The vampire thought she was gonna come back to an empty house. However, to her surprise, Karina was already in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge.

"Don't you have a literature class at this time?" Winter asked as she sneaked behind Karina and hugged her.

No, Winter wasn't complaining about Karina being at home. She would never complain about Karina being next to her. Yet, she still cared about the girl's academic classes because she knew that Karina worked hard to pay her tuition fees.

Karina flinched when she felt arms wrap around her waist but relaxed when she smelt the all-so-familiar vanilla scent.

"Nah it got canceled" Karina answered before smirking "And I'm glad it did because literature is gonna be the death of me"

Winter scoffed at the 'older' girl's exaggeration before losing her hold to allow Karina to turn around to face her.

"Welcome home babe" Karina mumbled with a smile before leaning in.

"I'm home" Winter smiled, leaning in to place a kiss onto Karina's lips as well.

Winter thought it was just going to be a short peck but when Karina cupped her jaw and tilted her head to deepen the kiss, it caught Winter off guard.

Nevertheless, she reciprocated the kiss, swiftly swiping her tongue over Karina's bottom lip.

Karina let out a soft moan when she felt Winter's tongue slip in and explored the inside of her mouth.

Moving her hands downwards, Winter played with the hem of Karina's shirt before slipping her hand underneath it.

"H-hmm Win...."

Winter was about to take things to the next level when something cold touched her arm.

Right, the ice cream Winter had placed onto the kitchen table.

The vampire pulled away and despite the whines from Karina, she knew the ice cream would melt if they kept going on.

"Hold up you adorable little thing" Winter affectionately nuzzled her nose against Karina's "I brought you ice cream"

The pout on Karina's face immediately disappeared and instead, a pair of sparkling eyes were looking at Winter.



"Oh my god baby you're the best" Karina leaped into Winter's arms and kissed her cheek several times.


The two were seated on their couch in a position they were very used to already. Winter was sitting on the couch with her legs up while Karina sat comfortably on her lap.

Of course, with her chocolate ice cream held safely in her hands.

They were watching a rerun of a kdrama about a hotel which provides accommodation for spirits. Not gonna lie, both of them were huge fans of the series.

Winter wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and snuggled into the back of her neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses.

Karina giggled at the feeling but abruptly stopped.

This confused Winter, causing her to raise an eyebrow in question.

"Winter" Karina spoke carefully as she turned around to face Winter and placed her hands on her shoulders, practically straddling her lap "How does it feel like to bite a neck?"

The question caught Winter off guard. Why was Karina suddenly asking her this?

"I don't know." Winter shrugged nonchalantly before an idea came to her mind.

Leaning further back into the couch, she raised her head up with a hint of seductiveness in her eyes.

Squinting her eyes slightly and raising her chin up so that more of her neck would be exposed, Winter placed her thumb on Karina's lips and slowly swiped across it.

"Why don't you try it?" She smirked as she pushed her hair back with her hand and stared at Karina through hooded eyes.

Gulping deeply, Karina shakily let out a soft 'okay'.

She placed a hand on the back of the vampire's neck and slowly leaned in. A shudder went down Karina's spine as her lips came into contact with the cold skin of Winter's neck.

Shaking off the feeling, she swirled her tongue around a spot just like how Winter usually did. Karina took a deep breath in before biting the flesh and sucking the spot with all her might.

Karina wasn't a vampire so she didn't have fangs and couldn't suck blood. Nevertheless, she loved the feeling of Winter's skin on her lips.

Feeling Karina's subtle bites and sucks, Winter let out a choked groan, a hand moving away from the older girl's waist and onto her head.

The vampire softly tugged at Karina's hair and kept her in place to not move away as she felt Karina's lips becoming more enthusiastic on her neck.

(After Karina's 'experiment', the first thing Winter said with a cheeky grin made a blush creep onto the former's face.

"You know, if our roles were switched and you were the vampire instead of me, I would totally hide the blood packets just so that you would suck my blood"

"S-shut up you puppy"

"You just left marks on this puppy though" Winter's grin got wider, implying the marks of red and purple on her neck.)

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now