Chapter 6

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Nine? Nineteen? Or Ninety?

Oddly enough, Karina enjoyed their company. Ningning was telling Karina stories about Winter when she was still a young vampire while Giselle added in sound effects for a 'more immersive experience'.

"W-wait hold up" Karina wiped her tears from laughing too much "S-so Winter thought vampires could t-turn into puppies and wished to turn into one whenever there's a shooting star?"

"Exactly!!" Ningning responded "I mean there's a stereotype that vampires can shape shift into bats but Winter actually thought she could turn into a puppy"

"Oh god She's so adorable" Karina said, the imagination of Winter desperately wanting to turn into a puppy coming to mind.

"And you're so whipped for her." Giselle pointed at Karina.

Karina raised an eyebrow and glanced at Giselle's position up and down.

The Japanese girl had Ningning on her lap while she securely hugged her waist from behind, occasionally kissing the doctor's cheek.

"Funny coming from you" Karina stuck her tongue out before a question came to her mind "Ningning-ah there's something I'm really curious about"

"What is it?"

"You know.....Winter has lived for so long....." Karina hesitated before asking.

As much as she was scared to hear the answer, she really wanted to know.

"How many were there before me?"

Karina knows that she occupied all of Winter's heart but she can't help but feel curious about Winter's past.

Ningning leaned back into Giselle as she thought, carefully tracing back her memories.

"From what I remember, she had n-"

Ningning was cut off when the front door creaked open.

"Unnie I'm home"

Winter glanced at the living room and frowned when she saw that Karina wasn't alone.

"What are you doing here?" Winter jokingly glared at Ningning who was sitting down on Giselle.

"Yaaaaa Winter! How could you say that to your best buddy?" The doctor whined in her Chinese accent.

The two were engaging in a casual conversation which was later joined by Giselle but one person couldn't stop thinking.

"What was she about to say?" Karina thought to herself "Nine? Nineteen? Or..... ninety?!"

Winter noticed that Karina was frowning to herself and softly tapped the girl.


"H-huh? O-oh Winter"

Winter took the girl's hand in hers and softly kissed her knuckles.

"Mind sharing your thoughts?"

"Uhh It's nothing! Just thinking about how dumb Giselle is" Karina quickly made up an excuse, earning a 'Ya' from a certain Japanese.

Although not entirely convinced, Winter decided not to push.

Soon after, Ningning and Giselle bid their goodbyes saying that it was almost Ningning's 'meal time' and left.

Lying down on their bed, Winter pulled Karina closer to cuddle, holding the girl between her arms.

"I'm so tired" Winter mumbled "But seeing your face charged me up"

"Lies" Karina chuckled before softly kissing the vampire's jaw "You're already half asleep"

However, no reply came.

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now