Chapter 4

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Your Blood

"You didn't bring your car today?" Karina asked as she and Winter left the campus.

"Nope." Winter answered as she pulled Karina into an alleyway and threw a wink at her. "The best girl deserves the best transportation...... one even better than royal carriages"

Abruptly, Winter lifted Karina up in bridal style and jumped, making the latter yelp in surprise.

Being a vampire came with many perks. One being having superhuman strength.

Karina wrapped her arms around Winter's neck and clung to her while the vampire girl skipped over the roofs of buildings as if it was nothing surprising.

"Ya Kim Winter Slow down"

"Don't worry..... I'll always keep you safe" Winter smiled "Plus, the view looks a lot better high up yeah?"

Karina opened her eyes hesitantly and looked around. Under them, she could see tiny people walking in the roads. Even the cars look small as their headlights brighten up the roads.

Moreover, silhouettes of buildings quickly flew past them as Winter jumped from one roof to another.

It was amazing.


"We're here!" Winter exclaimed excitedly as she slowly let Karina down.

"Wait..... this is...." Karina read the enormous sign above "An amusement park?!"

A glint of excitement could be seen in Karina's eyes as she saw the entrance.

The girl had been wanting to go to an amusement park as she hadn't gone in a long time due to university and part time jobs.

"Oh my god Winter" Karina wrapped her arms around Winter "Thank you for bringing me here"

Then, she placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"W-well it's no big deal" Winter stuttered, caught off guard by the sudden kiss.

The two paid for the tickets and went into the park hand in hand. Firstly, they went to the goods store and bought a headband for each of them.

Karina had a dino headband on while Winter had a puppy.

("Why a puppy?" Winter pouted as she looked at the puppy headband Karina put on her.

"What? You look like one" Karina teased as she chuckled "Plus it looks cute...... just like you"

The compliment from Karina was enough to make Winter purchase the headband immediately and put it firmly back into her head.)

They spent the rest of the evening going on various rides and Karina eating the food from the shops while Winter stared enthrall at her smile.

Kim Winter was so in love with the girl.


"Wahhh finally home" Karina exhaled as she opened the door to their apartment.

She went over to the kitchen and searched the fridge for water. However, something else caught her eyes.

"Winter" She called out to the girl, frowning "You're almost out of blood packets"

"Ah yes unnie... I already asked Ningning for more but they won't arrive until some time later so I'm saving the last two packets for tomorrow"

Karina placed a hand under her chin and thought for a while.

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now