Chapter 9

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"Unnie..... you have to eat" Winter tried persuading the currently sick college student who was huffing while crossing her arms.

"Don't want to....." Karina pouted as she sank further down into the chair, turning towards Winter "I want sleep"

The small frown on her forehead and the oh-so-adorable way her lips were sticking out almost made Winter forget all about the food and just cuddle Karina to sleep.


"Snap out of it Kim Winter" The vampire mentally scolded herself "Just because your girlfriend looks so cute with her red cheeks while wearing your white hoodie doesn't mean you have to go all whipped for her. You can do it!"

Winter raised up a fist in the air to cheer on herself before softly taking the bowl of soup closer to her.

She held the spoon and scooped a spoonful of it, blowing softly to cool it.

"Baby... you have to eat something before you take your medicines..." Winter softly spoke to her girlfriend as she slowly moved the latter's bangs away with her free hand "Please do it for me?"

Winter saw Karina glance around her for a moment before diverting her eyes away. She knew she was going to give in soon.

After all, Karina would do anything for Winter.

"Okay...." The girl replied meekly, opening her mouth so that Winter could feed her.

Winter chuckled at her antics before moving the spoon in the air like an airplane and feeding Karina.

"Good girl" Winter cooed as she caressed Karina's head.

"Yah I'm not a child" Karina sulked as she continued to savor the soup in her mouth while puffing her cheeks.

"Of course you're not a child" Winter replies with an amused glint in her eyes "You're a baby"

"Your baby" Karina added as she opened her mouth once again so that Winter could feed her.

"Yes yes My baby" Winter cooled the soup before placing it into Karina's mouth "My baby who is totally not acting like a child right now"


After some time, the bowl was empty as Karina diligently ate it all up. Now that one obstacle is over, another one comes.


Over the two years she had been together with Karina, Winter knew that the former absolutely detested drinking medicines.

She would always say that the taste was disgusting while scrunching her face.

"Rina, it's only two tablets" Winter tried to persuade Karina while holding a cup of water.

"Nooo I'll be fine even without medicine. I just need to take a rest and I'll be as good as n-AHCHOO"

Her sentence was cut off by the sudden sneeze.

Winter raised her eyebrows in question, only earning a sheepish grin from her girlfriend.

Seeing that there was no way to get the girl to drink her meds, Winter sighed.

Just then, an idea came to her mind.

Winter looked at Karina who was currently seated on the living room sofa while trying to keep in her sneezes.

In a flash, Winter placed the medicines into her own mouth along with some water. She approached her girlfriend without a word and straddled her lap, catching the girl by surprise.

"W-win what-"

The vampire crashed their lips together as she cupped the human girl's jaw with her hands.

She sneaked her thumb under Karina's bottom lip, pulling it slowly so that Karina was forced to open her mouth slightly.

Taking this as an opportunity, Winter transferred the medicine in her mouth to Karina's. This unexpected action made the latter swallow unknowingly.

"Mission accomplished" Winter smiled mischievously as she pulled away, looking down at Karina, whose face was extremely red, both from the fever and shyness.

"Y-yah you sneaky puppy" Karina stuttered as she covered her face with both of her hands before burying her face into the vampire's chest with a groan "Meanie"

"Unnie it's for your own good" Winter replied with a chuckle as she held Karina closer to her.

She held Karina's cheeks softly as she pulled away from the embrace to look at her face clearly.

Unable to stop herself, Winter leaned in to place a soft kiss on Karina's lips, followed by a couple more on every part of her face.

"Now now" Winter whispered as she pushed Karina's bangs away from her face "It's time for my whiny little cat to sleep"

"Okay...." Karina nodded before hugging Winter once again "But this whiny little cat needs her whipped vampire Winter to carry her to the bed"


Winter softly placed Karina onto the bed and was about to stand up again when she noticed that the latter still hadn't let go of her hold on her neck.

"Unnie" The vampire laughed softly "I need to turn off the lights"

"Don't gooo"

"I'm not going anywhere" Winter placed a soft kiss on Karina's forehead "I'm just gonna switch off the lights then I'll be right back in your arms"

Karina pondered for a bit before loosening her grip.

"Be quick"

"Yes ma'am" Winter jokingly saluted, earning a faux glare from Karina.

After finishing her tasks, Winter plopped down onto the bed beside Karina, immediately feeling the latter scoot closer towards her.

Karina wrapped her arms around Winter's waist, snuggling her face into the vampire's neck.

"Someone's extra clingy today." Winter remarked as she placed her chin on top of Karina's head.

"Shut up" Karina pouted "You still love me though"

"You're not wrong"

After that, a comfortable silence engulfed the room as the only thing that could be heard were the soft stable breaths coming from Karina.

"Winter" Karina called softly, as if she was afraid someone else would hear her.


"Don't ever leave me"

Although Winter didn't expect those words, she was still fast to assure her girl. After all, how could Winter leave Karina?

Karina was her everything.

"I won't" Winter replied as she tightened her embrace around Karina "I will never leave you"

After some moments of silence, Karina spoke again.

"Don't forget about me...." She muttered.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

No response came. Winter pulled back a bit, just to see that Karina had already drifted to sleep.

Returning back to her original position, Winter drew random shapes onto Karina's back.

"Don't worry..... I will never forget about you" The vampire replied even though Karina was already asleep.

Winter's gaze landed onto the moon shining brightly in the sky, illuminating the darkness with its light as its rays fell onto the bed through the window.

"Karina-unnie" Winter smiled softly as she felt her girlfriend's breath on her neck "You're all I need"

You're All I Need | WINRINA / JIMINJEONGWhere stories live. Discover now