Chapter 10 - Home Friends And The Future

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Once we finished the final show on the Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour and had packed up the cars, it sort of sunk into everyone that that was it. We said goodbye to Hey Violet promising to see them again soon. We also said goodbye and a massive thank you to the whole crew, the boys had got everyone a whole bunch of beer to thank them for everything they had done. It was nice though everyone gave everyone else big hugs before we left. We all went to have a shower in the bathroom taking it in turns, I was quite funny as there was only one shower block and none of the showers had doors so the boys used a trick from a previous tour and made a sort of makeshift curtain out of a clothes rail and towels. Once we finished we put on the clean clothes we had set aside from our bags before heading outside with our carry on's and our dirty clothes. We stopped to meet a few fans but had to leave if we were going to make it to the airport in time for our eleven hour flight to London.

We got to the airport and like before loaded up our bags, went to check in, through security and waited until our flight arrived before boarding and promptly falling asleep. When we got to the airport in London, it was much easier going through baggage claim as all the excess equipment went straight to Australia so there was only our bags, my guitar and the boys acoustic gear. Thats why when we got to baggage claim I didn't have a trolly to push so while the boys were waiting to get the instruments I curled up on the bag trolly and fell back to sleep.

I was woken up by Michael later when we got to arrivals as mum and Dad were waiting for us. I got up off the bag trolly and ran over to them giving them a massive hug. "Hello darling, how was your trip?" Mum asked me.

"It was amazing, I had a great time." I replied letting go of them.

"Good to hear darling. Now boys would you like to stay at ours tonight. I know Ellie told me that you had a place here in London that you would stay at but I figured that you would at least like to have dinner. You're welcome to stay for longer though." My mum said to the boys.

"Thank you Mrs Davis, but you don't have to do that." Ashton said to her politely.

"No, no dear consider it a thank you for everything you boys have done. I insist." She said turning motioning for us to follow her out to the car. My dad and I shrugged knowing for well there was no point in arguing. We went out to the car, apparently mum had rented a mini van so we could all fit along with the bags. Once they were loaded we made our way home. Mum asked us a lot of questions about what happened on the tour and what we did.

Once we got home I told the boys that there was a double room and a single room that they could fight between. Michael obviously slept in my room, Calum and Luke shared the double and Ash took the single. Mum made us chicken and pasta for dinner and we sat down and had possibly one of the longest conversations I've ever had before going to bed.

The next morning I called Lucy to tell he I was home but it turns out for the past few weeks she had been in some remote part of Scotland with her parents, which she was not happy about. Apparently she had had no internet for all that time and was desperately missing out of what had been happening in the world. She told me she would be back in time for her birthday and she expected me to throw her an awesome party as she has nothing planned. I told her not to worry as I had the perfect idea.

The next four days were spent planning Lucy's party and catching up with my mum, Michael had stayed at mine while the boys went to the house in London as they had a few things to go through regarding the album. Michael was really helpful with planning Lucy's party, despite never meeting her. We managed to get this nice little pub type thing in London booked and had got a few decorations together, I had invited all of her close friends. I had gotten her this really nice present when we were in America and was excited to see her again.

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