Chapter 7 - 3 2 1 Home

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We all had a good ten hours sleep at least before we started to wake up, which I think was nice for everyone. We got up and took it in turns to have a shower, which is how I ended up seeing them all naked in the space of half an hour.

"Really guy, come on put some pants on at least." I cried out throwing my hands in the air as the last of the boys came out of the bathroom and dropped their towel in front of their bed to get dressed. "You lot are doing it on purpose now." I exclaimed grabbing my underwear and a towel to go have a shower.

There was no way I was going to let them see me naked, but a bra and pants I didn't mind as they'd already seen me in a Bikini, but I wasn't going to play along with their game, so as usual I wrapped the towel round around myself and went out to get my clothes before getting dressed in my bed.

We had to stop off at a petrol station to get some more fuel for the bus, so I got off to get some more milk and cereal and Michael went under the bus to get his guitar for me. I got back on the bus and had my breakfast, well it was lunch time but I had cereal so.

We had seven hours left until we got to Melbourne which meant it would be around six in the evening when we arrived. I spent a couple of hours learning three new songs, English Love Affair, Kiss Me Kiss Me and She Looks So Perfect, on my own at the front of the bus as the boys were in the back playing Xbox again. Michael came in every so often to check on me.

I thought three songs was good enough for now so I put away the guitar and went in to join them. I sat down next to Michael and Calum and the boy paused the game.

"Sounds good Ellie, at this rate you'll know all our songs by the end of Oz." Calum joked.

"Well I have like twenty nine songs left to learn until then, including the unreleased ones, which is what like six songs a day. I might be done by the Vegas show" I replied grinning at them.

"I have no doubt, you want to play?" Michael asked holding his controller out to me.

"Yer sure, I make no promises. What we playing?" I asked him as he gave me his controller.

"Halo, the first one, we felt like reminiscing." Ashton said.

"Nice I love Halo." I said cracking my knuckles and getting ready to play.

"Cool, Michael you can keep her." Luke said un pausing the game. We were sitting there for a couple of hours playing and taking it in turns, I owned them at the game.

"Seriously! Is there anything you can't do." Ashton cried sitting back in defeat, as I killed him once again.

"Standing back flip." I replied casually as the game ended.

"Ok well none of us can do that so, shall we go find something to eat?" Michael asked turning off the TV, it was about half three and we were all getting a bit hungry. It was too late for lunch and too early for dinner so we ended up having another bowel of cereal, I was glad I bought some more at the petrol station.

I managed to find some popcorn at the back of one of the cupboards so we cooked it in the microwave and went to watch a film in the back room. We were all sprawled on the sofas eating popcorn watching the new Ninja Turtles film.

When the film finished we went to see how long it was till we got there. Turns out we were just about to pull into the venue and park up. We got off and unloaded the bus again taking everything into the venue.

We went for a walk around the town to look for somewhere to eat, I managed to convince Michael to give me a piggyback so that was fun. We found a Panda Express to eat in, I'd never been to Panda Express before so it was an experience.

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