(1) First Day

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I get up from my bed as my mum yells at me from downstairs. Today was my first day at  my new school, boarding school. Why did my mum have to send me to boarding school! I already hate being at school and now I have to literally stay there in a dusty, little dorm with random people I've never even met!

I yawn stretching my arms as I head to the bathroom to clean up. I take a shower, put on my uniform which is extremely uncomfortable, brush my teeth and do a simple makeup look using just concealer, mascara, blush and a pink lip oil.

I had already packed my bag and luggage yesterday night and headed downstairs to eat my breakfast.

"Hey mum..."

"You know how long you took?! Your gonna be late!"

I sit down at the table and start eating the breakfast my mum had just prepared.

"Yeah I know. But it's my first day...they'll let me off."

My mum scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Quinn, it's your first day, so you should be early! Not late! You need to do all kinds of things like sign in, get your dorm room, your lessons sheet and so much more! You know how boarding schools are. You will get a detention if you are late even if you are new. This is a punishment for being kicked out of your old school, not some other place to be kicked out of!"

My mum rants on about how I shouldn't be late and I have so many things to do as soon as I get there. I shrug my shoulders and speak with a mouth full of food.

"Ma, stop complaining. I wont be late. I'll head to the train as soon as I'm done eating.."

My mum huffs and cleans the floor with a broom.

"Well you better hurry up and shove that piece of toast down your throat already!"

I look at my mum annoyed and continue eating my breakfast. I soon finish and place the dirty dishes in the sink as my mum looks at me in disbelief for not washing them.

"Mum, you said I shouldn't be late right? So why waste time washing up. Plus, it'll be the last time you wash my dishes for a while. I'll be gone for the month until the next holiday."

I say while putting my coat and shoes on. My mum sighs and walks up to the sink and mutters under her breath.

"Idiot kid...can't even wash up her own plate."

"Hey! I heard that! Ah whatever. I'm heading out. Tell dad I said goodbye! Love ya!"

"Stay safe sweet..."

I walk out the door with my bags and shut it. I take one final look back at my house.

"I'll miss you, house."

I start to walk off and make my way to the train station. This is going to be the worst month of my life. I sigh and sit down on the bench waiting for the train to arrive until a girl who looks my age and has the same uniform walks up to me.


I look up to see who's talking to me and see her.


"Do you go to Britt High?"

I see she's wearing the same uniform as me and look back up at her and nod.

"Well it's my first day going there actually. You go there too...judging by your uniform..."

"Yep. I've been at Britt High for a while. So your new? That explains why I've never seen you before. What's your name?"

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